Courtcase in the GF...
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Courtcase in the GFL

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Should we ask the GFL to bring rulebreakers/lawbreakers ( like the reptilians, demons etc ) in to intergalactic court if they have wronged us? The laws that i talk about, is that we have free will on earth. And that earth is a protected planet and no aliens / enteties may influense humans in any way. 


We are supposed to focus on the light right now, but this is my story about this for those who want to read. It is based on what my guides told me, but is ofcourse my take on what i have heard from them and on my experinces. Somebody else could have a different take on things. 🙂

When i was 22 years old i had surgery for my back. I went in only reluctantly and came out of it feeling like it had been a trauma event in my life. i  was also damaged and could not walk for a time after it and to this day i walk with a limp and my leg was numb. I alwyas had a feeling like something horrible had happened to me. 
Now i am like 47, and have been "working" with Archangel Michael to bring different dark beings to the justice system of the galactic federation of light and the highest light. ( a demon that was a problem of mine was sent to an eternety formed prison etc). 

1. So i have learnd that if you find out that some being has done a legally wrong thing towards you, you can ask that the GFL and the highest light to take them into intergalactic court. 

-Laws i know about that they are not allowed to break:  We have free will on earth. Earth is a protected planet and nobody may directly influnce humans, we aresupposed to make the decision between the light and the dark by ourselves.
 -Free will= ETs and other beings are not allowed to circumvent our free will, plants thoughts in our head,  deceive us into thinking that we have given them premission to do certain things etc. They are not allowed to try to circumvent our free will by lies or deceive us etc.  
Demons and free will: Arhcangel Michael told me that "Demons have NO RIGHTs, other than what you give them".So Demons are constantly trying to  deceive humans to use our free will to give them some rights. And they are not allowed to deceive us because this circumvents our free will. And they may not take our free will. So a Demon may fool you that you have given it some permissions, but the moment you realise that it has no right and it was not allowed to deceive you, you are free. Because you were really free the whole time. 
-And then the law that earth is a protected planet, and humans are protected and nobody is allowed to directly influence us or hurt us. So no ETs or Demon beings are allowed to come to earth without the premission of the GFL and they are not allowed to influnece or mess with humans or the planet, ex implants or trauma, abductions etc.
(Short about contracts/ lifeplans: Even if there would be a contract between you and a murderer for ex, and this murder was planned before your life on earth, the murderer still made that choise to murder somebody and still have to accept the karma and take the punishment.)

2. Now i want to tell you about some memories that Archangel Michael helped me retrieve today, about my operation when i was 22. I remember myself clearly having crawled out a window and lying down on some metal rafters crying and feeling so horrible and nauseated. It was like the most horrible feeling in the world. I think i was in my energy body at the time, but not sure. I also remember myself sitting on an operation bed and talking to an older version of myself who tried to cheer me up, saying things like "it will all be allright, you will start doing yoga and it will still be ok". Then Archangel Michael told me that before the operation, the staff told me that there may be some memory loss due to the operation. And then memories from inside my body include somebody first giving me an injection and then rape me while i was lying on my side with an open in the back hospital gown. Then i remember that somebody had a jar with a little snake in it, and this small snakelike thing was kind of drawn up into a large syringe and inserted into the operation wound.  After this memory came back i was told by Archangel Michael that they removed these memries from me so that i could not easily heal the trauma or know what was wrong with my leg, and the snake could live in me undetected for a long time and cause harm and keep me in a low vibration. Because they told me about potential memory loss before they use that as a reson why they are allowed to then remove the memory. The ones who were doing this on earth are the reptilians, those that where on earth before humans and then was told to leave or go underground and not show themselfes to humans anymore. They are not allowed to directly influence the humans development towards the light or the dark, because this is a choise we as a supposed to make for ourselfes. They are not allowed to attack us or influence us directly in any way. And they have done this with operations like this to many people, and there are lots of people walking around with trauma that they can not remember and these implanted snake beings (and other implants aswell ), that are now very directly influencing them in a negative way.  So i asked the highest light and the GFL to bring these reptilians to this intergalactic court because they are guilty of impeding our free will and of going against the rule that they are not allowed  to directly influence hummanity and me etc. I told them they could use my testemony and these memories and implants etc as evidence. - I know of the law of free will = They are not allowed to deceive us, and in this way circumvent our free will.. For ex, they are not allowed to tell us that an operation may cuase you to not remember everything, (this you would normally expect when they put you to sleep for the operation) and then use that as an excuse to intentionally remove memories of harm that they intentionally caused us. They are not allowed to remove these memories. They trick us into believing that we are allowing them to put us to sleep in a normal operation, and that this can cause memories to disappear. This doesn't mean they are allowed to use this as permission to do something completely different on purpose and then on purpose remove those memories. They are not allowed to deceive us, and in this way circumvent our free will.
So this snake in my body, i have known about it for a time now , and i have told it that it may not be in my body and has no premission to do so, and Archangel Michael have told me that he can remove it. The snake is some kind of breeding experiment that they where trying out on people, and it is LIKE A DEMON; but was once alive etc. It also grew very big and kept causing me harm and problems. The snake is a councious beeing of sorts, and can also be called to justice if the highest light thinks that is the right thing to do. In a way it has been alive, so i think it has a soul, but it went straight down into the dark when it was " born". It could choose the light now, no matter the origin of theese sanke beings. When it left my leg i was told that it would be good if it were to come out of me by its own free will, and it did finally do so and it left with Archangel Michael. These snakes are now implanted in a lot of humans and they have no right to live in that humans body, because free will was circumvented when they were implanted. The snake that lived in me was very afraid and that kept me in a lower vibration, and it did things to keep me down. It was certain that if it would go to heaven it would not exist anymore. I belive that the snake has a soul, and i was told that it is alive = it has a soul. It is a very dark and scared beeing, but it can make the right choise and go to a heaven. And if we can help dark beings make choises of the light, that is always good. It is gone now, and if t comes back Archangel Michael has told me he can just lift it right back out because it has no right to be in my body.
I kind of think that the vaccine was some kind of similar way of introducing a negative energy or tech implants or something into humans, this was also breaking the rule that they are not allowed to directly influence humans.I was told that the vaccine is not a problem, and so i asume that this way of trying to harm us directly was undone by the light because it was against this law. Maybe because somebody with free will on earth asked them to bring this to intergalactic court, and after that they could undo the negative effects of the vaccine. (this is kinds guesswork/intuition on my part, nobody has told me this, but i did hear that the vaccine was not a problem anymore). 
I know that the doctor that operated on me had a really bad rap, i heard later that people had warned my mother that we should not agree to have her as a doctor because she had so many patients where the operations faild or caused harm. And my leg was numb and i could not walk after my operation, and now i know why, It was not an accident, they do this on purpouse to cause trauma and implant these snakes and then the operations seam to fail and permanent damage occours in the patients. 
Well sorry for the way to long text. But maybe peopel could bring these cases to intergalactic court more often? They told me that they can do this without me, but it is easier if we from earth use our free will to ask them to charge the lawbreakers and they can then use our testemony. 🙂
I think it would be really beneficial if humans knew more about these laws so that we can ask the GFL and the highest light to inforce them on our behalf.
Edit:I must clarify, the snake was an energy being.. entity... i think i wrote that i was in the body when they showed me the snake, but that is how it felt in that memory.. no idea why. However i have only seen the snake when i am outside my body or with my third eye. 🙂 Thank you.
Posted : 13/11/2023 9:42 am
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@heidifihlmangmail-com-2-2-2 Thank you for sharing!

This post was modified 1 year ago by Lyn
Posted : 14/11/2023 5:31 am