Can there be an agreement with the Rs to settle suffering on this planet once and for all?
Having just seen Elizabeth's recent video about sex trafficking, I wondered whether there could be any agreement between us humans and the reptilians to help end the very unpleasant situation of some of our children being tortured in order to keep the frequency on the planet low enough for the reptilians so that they can stay on it (which they see as their property).
To me it seems that as of now, the situation is unpleasant (to say the least) for both parties: we, the humans, are being held back in our development and some of us are, of course, even being heavily tortured. If we as individuals were to arrive at a very high frequency, there would be a much bigger chance of being targeted by the reptilians. So we might be inclined to stay away from that.
On the other hand, the perspective of the reptilians should also be considered, I would suggest. Let's not just say, they are evil because they torture some of us, but try and understand their motiviation behind that behavior. If I understand Elizabeth correctly (in some other videos on this subject), the reptilians were here on the planet first and they consider it their property. And that is why they want to protect it and be able to stay here. In order for that, they need the frequency to be on a level that is not too high for them. Since the GFL have ruled that we humans can stay on the planet (and the reptilians have to go underground and are not allowed to be seen by us), the reptilians have to constantly worry about us humans realizing our full potential which would force them off the planet because they wouldn't be able to handle the frequency.
So, to sum it up, the reptilians cannot really enjoy what they see as their property because they live under the constant "threat" of us arriving at a frequency that is too high for them. And we, the humans, also cannot really enjoy life on earth because we are threatened by the reptilians not to express ourselves with a very high frequency. As a result, it seems that each party would like the other one to leave the planet. And as of yet, it appears that both of them just try to acchieve that goal by force (the reptilians try to keep the frequency low by force and we humans could force them off planet by raising the frequency on it by the force of love). And this, finally, brings me to my question(s):
Can we humans and the reptilians settle this conflict by an agreement rather than by that kind of (vibrational) force? Could we somehow "buy" the planet from them (is buying and selling even a thing to them)? Or could they help us find another planet to live on (which could also be in their interest, since they could live on earth without having to worry about the frequency afterwards)? Is there any more grown up solution to this than just fighting for the planet?
@ole-enders Good thinking! What makes it difficult is that we don't have a speaker who represents the reps. Since queen E died, the power is divided between multiple persons. They cannot even agree between themselves. And, would they let us negotiate? Do you negotiate with your dog?
If you try to look from their perspective! Are we better? What we humans do to animals in the bio industry, in a very clinical way, with no love, to produce meat for our consumption... is in a certain way the same as Reptilians treat us, a "lower" species. Maybe we are not better? They can say, we only misuse some thousands of your species. Look what you humans do: abuse millions animals every day. Hunt animal species down (like rhinoceros, elephants) so their existence is threatened, some species are gone forever. Are you humans really better than us reptilians?
And yes we starseeds love animals and maybe never eat meat, still we are a minority. but hey we reps also have a group of 10% 'good' reptilians. Can we human starseeds really speak for humanity as we are a minority.
Just playing advocate of the devil here. I fully understand your intentions, and my heart also was broken watching EA talking about what she saw. I immediate sent love and healing to all abused children. We have to be patient, focusing on raising our frequency. After 2030 more starseeds will reincarnate on Earth, and will form a majority. And i read somewhere that the current reptilians can not reincarnate on Earth anymore after they die.
Remember the WW3 battles in 2020-2022? Light versus The Dark battles? Awesome times. We 10.000+ starseeds fought alongside angels and a group of Good reptilians. EA lead us lightworkers as light warriors. I hope she still can take some your suggestions to the leader of the group Good reptilians.
Very interesting topic!
@lighthealer_arkie Hi Arkie, thank you very much for your interesting thoughts on my post 🙂 Just to make sure that you got my main point the way I intended, I would like to try and make it more clear once more: I have tried to put my suggestion very neutral, wanting to say that even a high vibration may not be "better" than a low vibration, but there should be enough space in the universe for both to be expressed. But on planet earth, a high vibration would make the situation for a being in a lower vibrational state more uncomfortable and vice versa. That is why I came up with the question whether it would be a good goal to work towards to separate those species. While it may seem that we may not have the means to implement all that is necessary to acchieve this goal, we certainly have the power to set the intention for something like this to happen in the future.
Having said that, I find the points you raised to be very interesting. And the problem of lack of agreement and a representative is, of course, also to be found with humans. What I perhaps like most about your post is that you say that you are playing advocate of the devil, when I thought that I was already doing that with my post 🙂 To your other points: Would they want to negotiate with us? Well, I don't know whether they are used to solving their problems by negotiating rather than fighting, but I think it would be worth trying, especially since there is something really big in it for them to gain (getting us off "their" planet). So if it is true that they are dominated by greed most of the time, this very greed may lead them to wanting to have an agreement with us. (Perhaps even more so if their "dog" threatened them with taking their home from them in a few years).
In the interest of brevity, I leave out some of your other points although they are also very interesting, and I would like to come to your final two paragraphs with the conclusions (what should be done now). And here, I would like to point out my opposion to what could perhaps be called the mainstream starseed approach, the idea that we should raise our vibration s o t h a t the reptiles can no longer stay on planet earth. To me, that is also a way of fighting, and I would rather like to see an agreement. By raising our frequency and having more and more high vibrational starseeds on the planet, we only take the planet from the reptiles by force. And I don't like that very much. Then, we win just because we have more power. To me, then we really are no better than them. We are only lucky because we are being supported by the energy. And the reptiles will hate us for that and they will be right to do so. And they will want to take the planet back from us. If we had an agreement, on the other hand, we may have a permanent peace and both parties may be happy with the situation. So this is why I even think, holding a somewhat higher frequency may be good for someone, but trying to maximize it could even be considered to be fuelling the conflict of light and dark. To me it seems that it would be better to have an agreement of separation first and then maximize the frequency on the humans' planet nonstop 🙂
@ole-enders Very well spoken, and getting your point. I think I'm a Star Trek fan like you. In name of the Galactic federation they also always negotiated and always avoid violence. So, the Annunaki settled an agreement with the Reps 10000s years ago. The reps could stay on Earth and co-exist with the humans, and then they went underground. From there they still ruled the world.
And now you would like the same kind of agreement? A treaty to cohabit this planet. That's bold and i would like that too. As our frequency raises, we realize we are one. The light and dark have to learn to live together, be in balance. We can manifest that plan. Curious what EA thoughts are.
Btw us starseeds coming here in numbers to awaken the planet, is in itself no act of violence against the Reps. Although we did fight them in WW3 battles, following EA and the Angels and the good Reps. Do you consider we need a few more battles( or negotiations?) only to stop the bad Reps doing all the child horrific acts and traffic. That is a serious challenge.
Well, I think how you summarize my idea is very close to what I mean, but still not really precisely my point. What I was trying to suggest was more like one planet for the reptiles and one for the humans (if we or - much more likely - they can find another one), because both on one planet means trouble for both. (Since the reptiles would finally have the chance to enjoy "their" planet earth as they were able to at the start, they might want to offer us another planet as a compensation for our leaving. One could dream of something like this happening anyway.)
As EA sees the earth split into a 5D and a 3D version, it might even be possible for both species to stay on their planet earth version, so maybe we (humans and reptilians) won't even need to find a new planet for the species that would inhabit the "new" one. If that were to be the case, what I was suggesting would be happening naturally anyway without us having to consciously create it by setting intentions or by other means. Another way to make a co-existence on one planet more comfortable could be to somehow shield the effects of the higher / lower vibrations in such a way that they won't "harm" the other species as much as they seem to do at the moment. The GFL surely will be more aware of all the possibilities, so I would like to leave the "how" an open question. But my main question would be about the "what": could there be any agreement between the humans and the reptiles that would end the mutual negative effects on each other and give both the opportunity to really enjoy life on the planet they live on (possibly on one planet for each species)?
I think, what you said in your second paragraph would be even bolder: learning to live together as two species in a way that both would take care not to effect the other one too badly. To me it seems that this would mean for us not to reach too high frequecies (or not to emit them too intensely), so that the reptiles still could stay on the planet because they could still handle the frequency. I think that would be really hard for some of us, and I myself would have a hard time to exercise enough self control to limit my joy of being in a high vibrational state. But I see it as a really fascinating extension of the thought I had, one that would require us to develop quite an amount of maturity. This is what I really like about discussions like these, by the way, that the participants can always see more (than they would have seen thinking on their own) by sharing their thoughts and interacting on them from another perspective.
On your last paragraph: I agree that it isn't really a brutal form of violence to force them off planet by emitting high frequencies, but as I see it, it is still forcing them, which means that they will have to leave when they would rather like to stay (and remember they see themselves not as guests here but they see planet earth as their home). It is making them do something against their will, and I think nobody likes something like that happening to oneself. It may be the softest possible form of forcing, but still it is forcing them and not coming to an agreement with them which I would very much prefer since it would respect their will 🙂 To me, it is like a principle that no matter one's vibrational frequency, they should always be able to exercise their will as long as they are prepared to stop harming other beings.
Frequency and vibration
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