Can aging be revers...
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Can aging be reversed in humans?

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Nowadays, the lifespan of humans is much much less than the physical body permits, meaning that the body itself has a huge unused potential for much higher longevity, well-being, and probably, regeneration. Taking into account that we are not using the resources of our body to its full potential, is it possible to reverse the signs of aging in humans if they already appeared (like wrinkles, sagging skin, hormonal changes, age-related limitations, etc.)? Does the body have mechanisms to reverse these processes? If yes, how do we unlock them? It would be really great to know the GFL opinion about that.

This topic was modified 1 year ago 2 times by skorodumina
Posted : 30/12/2023 12:56 pm
Nikki H, The High Heart, Pal Revesz and 4 people reacted
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@skorodumina Interesting!

Posted : 30/12/2023 5:12 pm
Posts: 1089
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Awaiting the GFL answers, this is what you already can do.

On a daily basis, move, run like a child, skipping, bobbing blithely around. It'll be fun, you'll do this laughing.

One or a few times a year, try fasting for a few days.

Ankhing (EA taught us! ): keeping your sexual orgasm energy inside the body,  using the Ankh pathway, and I always give the command "rejuvenate" doing this. So the energy will be used to rejuvenate every cell in your body.

Daily meditations to clean your aura. Yoga exercises to connect everything.

Stay around young people.

Things i personally don't do but are good to stop aging: become vegetarian, ice bathes (but i take cold  showers), see a lot of movies that wil make you laugh.

But even if you are too lazy to do all of the above: just imagening you do this in meditation, will help!

Posted : 30/12/2023 10:55 pm
Posts: 21
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@lighthealer_arkie, yes, those are all advices how to delay aging. But my question was is it possible to reverse the signs of aging once they already appeared or are they permanent. I know a lot of people who follow the lifestyle you described in your message (myself included), but the truth is, well, they do age. Although their bodies and life quality are in a significantly better state compared with others, they still develop wrinkles, grey hair, hormonal changes, etc. (while their age is still much less than the body's full potential). Probably, there are some other factors that contribute to aging, which are out of our control like e.g. chemtrails, air quality, radiation, etc. So, the question is, if we now age and in the future we gain control over all those additional factors on the New Earth, can we reverse the signs of aging then?

This post was modified 1 year ago 6 times by skorodumina
Posted : 01/01/2024 1:11 am
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@skorodumina EA said once that we are programmed or brainwashed in this aging narrative. I personally don't think the poisoning environment is aging us much, it's the accumulation of simply all experiences. So, we have to find a way to de-program ourselves and look at the world and new experiences each day as if it's the first time, wondering about everything, like a child. And you have to question why you really want to appear younger. If we clear this up, I'm convinced that anything is possible with our -still growing- manifesting powers.

My question would be: how to de-program ourselves? Because we want to keep the gained wisdom so much. Maybe we can trick or hack the system/body into "thinking" like a newborn. See what the GFL has to say.

Posted : 01/01/2024 5:17 am
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@skorodumina There is an ET technology that can reverse physical aging for the human vessel. The ETs call them “light capsules”. The human slang is med bed. From what they described, you enter the capsule with intention and the technology is controlled by our consciousness. Similar to how the ET craft and drones are piloted. With that intention you can reverse health issues and reverse aging effects. The technology has been provided to certain governments and they haven’t shared the technology with the public. Typically the cabal has control over that kind of technology in human possession. There are theories about the crystalline conversion process providing a reverse aging affect as well if certain solar flares are initiated or allowed to effect Earth.

The larger topic is that these human vessels are just temporary vessels we inhabit for short term incarnations on Earth. We’re here for a mission set and growth experience so that we can assist Gaia ascend to her full unrestricted density. We aren’t from here and these aren’t our natural or permanent bodies. We are transitioning to our light bodies currently. Our DNA is transitioning from 2 strand human to 12 strand crystalline light being. Our innate DNA structure as Earth Angels and Galactic beings aligned with Divine Spirit and in support of Mother Father Gods/ Divine Source’s plan of ascension into the higher realms. Liberating Earth and its population from the false matrix overlay and the paradigms that keep them imprisoned within the programming and self oppressing manifestations attached to these current systems and programming in place.

With that said, I very much so want to jump in a light capsule.  🙂 

Posted : 01/01/2024 8:01 am
Maiyan, The High Heart, Suprflymel and 1 people reacted
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@skorodumina @nickq1233 GEORGE VAN TASSEL built The Integratron in the California dessert following instructions by aliens from Venus and Telsa information. This was a 16 sided building that you walk though, and as it spins around you, your cells become rejuvenated and younger. Just as he finished building it and ready to start testing, he died. How convenient for those forces who don't want us living long lives. Just like how they stole Tesla's papers once he died, what are they trying to hide from the public? Also why did men from the bible live 300-700 years? How is that possible if today people only live to maybe 100? 

Posted : 05/04/2024 11:14 am
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Well here's a real rejuvenation technique, since we have no medbeds yet. Listen to these rejuvenation frequencies, preferably with your headphones on.

Posted : 23/07/2024 4:24 am
The High Heart
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@kimber I have these SAME questions!!! 👍 👍 👍

Posted : 25/07/2024 8:28 pm
Kimber reacted
The High Heart
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@lighthealer_arkie I did a search for "Ankh pathway" and couldn't find anything on the EA videos. Do u have a link by chance where she explains this further? Thanks!

Posted : 25/07/2024 9:19 pm
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@quinn Yeah EA talked about it several times, here is the official method from the Egyptians. Sorry it's a bit small screenshot. You learn to manipulate your orgasm-energy. Make sure at certain point the energy reaches all corners of the body. When i do it, i additionally telepathically talk to my body and say " rejuvenate all my cells".

Posted : 26/07/2024 5:59 am
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@skorodumina The pineal gland releases 4 hormones right before sleep, one of them being epithalamine. This hormone is known, even by science, to slow down aging. It's making the telomeres longer. So, a chance to try some supplements... and use your discernment,  as always.

Posted : 29/07/2024 12:50 pm
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My understanding: yes we can be young again.


On new earth, where we are in human bodies that has evolved to 5D, we can choose our age.. we can live however long we want, and only give up the body and die when we want to.


Now on earth there is some science that shows it is possible.. An ex is our Telomeres that shorten when we age.. and there is sience that lenghtens them and it reverses the cells age. But its hard to do and also in some cases causes the cells to grow to fast = cancer.

So our human sience have found some different ways that would work in theory, but are hard to do for us now. But when we are 5D beeings, have gone through the DNA activations that are ment for us, and have crystalline bodies, it will be possible for us to controll this all with our consciousness.

Posted : 29/07/2024 10:24 pm
The High Heart
Posts: 397
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@lighthealer_arkie Hey thanks- I'm so glad u had that. (totally readable)

Posted : 05/08/2024 7:03 pm
The High Heart
Posts: 397
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@heidifihlmangmail-com-2-2-2  Fascinating - thank you!!

Posted : 05/08/2024 8:24 pm
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