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Are we Ai

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I remember you saying we were made by ancient alien beings as slaves. So does that mean we are AI?

Posted : 03/01/2024 12:43 pm
Nick Quinn reacted
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Well as it was told to me. Our bodies are not real they are holograms. We have a mind from source that enters the hologram and dreams our life. We are learning what it would be like to be form. If there was form. The question we are answering is what would it be like to be separated from source. Of course that is impossible so we dream it.

AI only exists inside the dream. In the dream the aliens created us. 

pS of course this opens a lot of other questions. If this is true it means we are God. That is everything is God or source. It means we are all actors, including animals and including rocks, everything everywhere, yes actors upon a stage …

But that makes perfect sense. In the beginning there was God. We can only be a fractal from the God head. 

pS it means a frog, a beggar, a thief, a president all of it is connected to source and no fractal is greater than any other. Just different roles in the play.

The story goes we as humans have come a long way, billions of years so our role is bigger than most frogs. The really fantastic part is we have reached another milestone. We are entering into 5D consciousness, that’s a biggie, although there are 12 levels, each level requires less time to negotiate, even though time does not exit. So this is a big birthday. Celebrate!


lots of love and a happy new dimension or frequency.

This post was modified 1 year ago 2 times by okydocky-3995
Posted : 03/01/2024 1:01 pm
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@foxyrach26 That’s a long explanation for sure. The human vessel has been genetically modified so many times over history. We’re not AI, although there are people that are matrix creations. Sort of like NPC’s in a video game. We live in a mental Universe in the mind of Source as energetic beings. Manifesting our outcomes as soul fragments all part of Source. We incarnate temporarily into human vessels while on Earth to play out our missions and experiences that we’ve contracted.

This is an ascension cycle so the experiences and mission sets are different than other incarnations. As starseeds our experience is also different from Earth based souls. We’re here to support an ascension but we are not from here. You may be thinking about the Elohim modifications relating to the Nephilim regarding the genetic downgrading. The original human vessel was too powerful energetically to be controlled. The Elohim created the Nephilim as a worker race. They were too advanced and revolted. The vessel was modified again and again to get to the 2 strand dna vessel we see today. The human vessel has had some positive genetic modifications since. We have the ability to transition from 2 strand dna to our innate 12 strand dna structure. It’s a carbon to crystalline conversion process. The star seeds that are here now will awaken and make that conversion. We’re not AI , not human but Galactic beings of light temporarily inhabiting a human vessel to support and experience the ascension journey.

As for enslavement purposes, we are enslaved by the Draconian systems of economic slavery, control, judgment, fear and oppression. In that truth we are enslaved now within these systems. Our mission is to dismantle the paradigms and the old systems to make way for the new Earth. Gaia will transition to a service to others mentality opposed to a system of control and power over others. It’s a large topic with many variables and layers to it all. I Hope this helps.

Posted : 03/01/2024 4:57 pm
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So, if we have had “past lives” here…does that mean we can still be a starseed. 

Posted : 03/01/2024 5:03 pm
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Intetesting conversations 😊

Posted : 06/01/2024 12:22 am