Acension flash
Is the solar flash going to be 2026 or 28’ ?
@justin-bennette Like the question. I hadn't heard about the years you mention; but I am interested in learning more. I would like to hear the perspective of the Galactic Federation.
Same here,, would love to know GFLs answers on the Grand solar flash, or the love wave, or some other name for it. I think there are a great many who have had some kind of message or knowing about some event involving the sun helping us all ascend that last bit very fast..
The energies are so high, so i personally expect this to happen like any day now 😀
I had a visitor a few years ago, golden faceted angel.. so much love i cried. The message was loosly translated from swedish: " The gold will come as a wave of love, nobody will be left behind, dont be afraid, it is I who come, i am the highest light/source" The knowing was that it was the sun, and that this golden light would help us ascend at some point.
Great new session that mentions and explains the flash from higher self perspective etc.. its a hypnosis session 🙂