2024 Presidential E...
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2024 Presidential Election

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Will there be a positive shift in the U.S. after the 2024 election in November? What will happen if Biden is re-elected? How rigged is the election/ will votes be accounted for honestly?

Everything is such a mess and only getting worse, what the heck is going on?!  

Posted : 31/03/2024 10:12 pm
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I'm afraid they are trying to start a war and use that as an excuse to not have an election. Either way people are predicting civil violence and blame Trump for it bc they blame Trump for everything.  I have prophetic dreams and the always show the truth. A week before the covid shut down in 2020, I dreamt I was in space on a spaceship and the space being told me Covid was 94% fear and then showed me 6 homeopathic remedies. The first remedy to treat the 1st layer of the "covid" was for bonding with Mother Earth. I didn't get the knowledge about the next 5 layers of healing in the dream, but have been able to learn about that later. It makes sense that humanity needs to re-bond with Mother Earth for our collective healing. A few months later, I saw a false flag terrorist attack in the desert just north of where I live.  The news was blaming Trump/patriot supporters but the dream told me this was a lie. They were just trying to set up the Trump supporters and cause more division. I had a dream that we were going to war and there was a very vast graveyard of military. That dream was August 11, 2001. One month before 9/11. I have learned to trust these dreams. I will ponder your question and perhaps I should ask for a dream. But once or twice a very Positive wave came over me when I peeked into the future. I think all the crap and old historical karmas are coming up for clearing and healing. Like a fever or infection coming to the surface, but once the fever breaks, health comes back. Also the immunity system has evolved and is stronger. Coronaviruses were discovered and labeled in the 1950s and all colds and flu and have been attibuted to coronaviruses. I meditated on this when covid 19 got famous. I saw that every year a new set of viruses came around and they morph and variate all the time. It has been like this since even before humans. The theory I got starts with the premise that nature does not make junk and so I asked what was the pupose of the virus. Facts show that immunity is earned when a person or group ( herd immunity) when the body gets the virus or measles or mumps and then the immune system gets a workout and dvelops the evolution needed to more permanenlty upgrade the immune system with more white blood cells.   These "illnesses" are like a gym workout.  They are needed every year because the planet's bio-sphere changes every year so we need an upgraded immune systen and internal bio- sphere to keep up with the rest of the planet.  So --likewise, I use this as allegory, for the collective human experince of our history. Our collective history is embedded in the matrix - like rat wheel. We bring our soul's history with us and enter into the rat wheel once again. Most of us go round and round repeating the same old stories.   The same traumas and same hatreds and same family and tribal wars. Somehow, maybe astrologically, this is all coming to a head. To rleease and evolve beyond all this, everything has to come to the surface so we can really see it and understand it and say no to it. No to war. No to cruelity, No to false power structures. etc.   We can't move beyond until we learn the lesson. Or perhaps we must simply surrender to a sweeter story.  This is ridiculously long and convoluted - but in pondering , I have felt a lovely and powerful wave of new energy coming in that heals all. One of the other remedies I channeled for the 6 that the spaceship beings handed me on a tray was for "Miracles and Believing in Miracles." It was the 3rd remedy. The 3rd layer of healing needed. When I was a child and read the Bible, they were always having "miracles" and I wondered why they only had miracles in the old fashion days. Now, I know that what we call "miracles" are really a real thing and based on something logical at some real level. But in these modern "science" and dull logical times, we may need a little help or remedy to grok the miracles that are always available to those with eyes to see. Yes that was ridiculously long and convoluted. Thanks for the patience of any one who read it. I am getting - yes- crazy chaos at elections and very dirty trick and yes-- good comes from it all eventually.  Keep the Faith and Do and Be the True that is in You. People standing up and being their real and creative self ushers in the best evolution for all. 

Posted : 31/03/2024 11:09 pm
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@samanthadieger-2 Good questions!

Posted : 31/03/2024 11:49 pm
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@samanthadieger-2 Hey, I love this question. I would also love to hear more info on this. In my opinion, if Biden wins we are screwed. They cheated last time, using the covid scam for mail in ballots and mules, but also the voting machines connecting to internet/ hammer and score card type software to switch votes, paid off corrupt judges/officials to ignore evidence, etc., and they will stop at nothing to do it again. The cabal has infiltrated everywhere. What will happen is they want full blown communism here, total control over us, agenda 2030. The great awakening has been happening, so many people are waking up to the scam of politics since 2020, and the history of corruption with the CIA and other alphabet organizations within our government. The ones who still support Biden are fully asleep, under the spell, in my opinion. According to Asya’s astrology prediction, this upcoming alignment event for Nov. of this year, has not happened since the time of American revolution, and that things have to get worse before they get better in order for people to revolt and say enough is enough of this nonsense. I hope this does not mean Biden will win again. I am so over this corrupt government, and their ridiculous lies and actions. But if that were to happen I think people would revolt because we are all mostly awake now, and will not accept a future of communism for our children. This has been a slow drip, give and inch, they take a mile, happening for a long time, including the infiltration of the universities way back with Bill Ayers (weather underground), and recently now in the public schools to corrupt the minds of our innocent children. And I don't even think that is the real Biden anymore btw, that person is likely wearing a mask. The technique has been perfected by the CIA with the help of Hollywood. Or maybe he is some type of clone or something, I am not sure. Back to the prediction, the constitution was brought up and a time for new beginnings, giving me hope. I said way back in like 2010 that Trump needs to run for president; I just got that vibe. EA said his mission on earth was to tear down the old system so we can have change and basically be free of the powers that were. This is why they attack him on every level to break him down, he will not play their game. They will try to hold onto their power but it will dwindle as more people wake up and say no. I would love to hear about this and also the time travel story of Baron Trump and his future role. The stories written in 1890, the Baron Trump collection, including the Last President, that has many reference's of things in modern times like a hotel on 5th Ave, New York. I have the book but did not read it yet. Fun fact... Nikola Telsa's notes ended up with Trumps Uncle. He was researching time travel. Let that sink in. This is all so fascinating. 

Posted : 05/04/2024 8:14 am