Vibration matches
Hi EA!
It makes sense to me that our vibe attracts our tribe from a quantum level. What I don’t understand is why someone high vibrational can attract lower vibrations. I always thought if I were able to raise my vibration I could repel lower vibrational entities. You have been speaking of those with high vibrations like our sweet babies in the world are attracting these lower vibrational entities like a moth attracted to the light. Can you break it down and explain with quantum physics?
You are Amazing!!
Thank you!
Hi @adp
I'm not sure this topic has been broken down anywhere else. But I remembered EA mentioned it briefly in this video where she said the brighter of the light we are, the bigger of the shadow we cast. So perhaps that's why the higher vibration we go, the more we attract attack during this transitioning time.
Just my 2cents. Hope it brings some insights.
@richyhoang123 and @adp Totally agree. Besides, some of those entities or poltergeists are not evil, they just need a bit help to be guided to the Light. But we "interpret" them to bother us. That's why EA hugging a dark entity can and works to dissolve the "attack". Never did that yet btw, i show them a portal to the light hoping they go there by themselves. But it's a brilliant idea, hope to be able to do that next time.