Unicorns 🦄 mermaids 🧜♀️ sirens 🚨
Are they real??? Please tell me yes to the unicorn 🦄
YES. You should read, "Treasures of the Unicorn: The Return to the Sacred Quest" by Ted Andrews. I also had a past life regression where I remembered being a Unicorn in a past life. 🤗
@taylorhawkins I hope I do not sound like Miss Expert, it is just that I follow other people who have information, etc. about unicorns, dragons, etc., etc. All of them present their material on the premise that these groups are indeed real. There have been some presentations on Portal to Ascension. Elizabeth has been a speaker/presenter on Portal to Ascension. I would like to share, and I feel I can share this with you, just as there is expected to be extraterrestrial disclosure, I am expecting, eventually, disclosure regarding unicorns, etc. Anyway, thank you for bringing up this interesting topic.
@elise-2 thank you for responding !!! I appreciate any information!!