The War to End All Wars
I'm curious to know more about what "the war to end all wars" is?
I think about Earth-humans vs Reptilians but what is this war thats going on? The one mentioned in the Earth-humans prophecy (the one we are going to end)?
When did it start?
What is it over?
Who started it?
What species are involved on each "side"?
Posted by: @quinnI'm curious to know more about what "the war to end all wars" is?
I think about Earth-humans vs Reptilians but what is this war thats going on? The one mentioned in the Earth-humans prophecy (the one we are going to end)?
When did it start?
What is it over?
Who started it?
What species are involved on each "side"?
Wow - could have sworn Ive been over this for the last 2 months, with the most explicative answers ever given to mankind there has been.
The "War" is over.
It started 3 billion years ago. It was only ever a war of complete human madness and insanity that only ever grew worse and worse and more out of control with time, and NO humans in the HISTORY of the Universe were ever able to "Ameliorate" ANY of the Problems any of them always created. In trying to fix what they had imbalanced, only prompted greater imbalance, war and Chaos.., and this is so common place in this Universe that you all just accepted that things like murder is normal and that animals are for our eating pleasure and that children are all for sale to adults.
But this is NOT normal. This is insanity. And you all existed in this planet perpetually grinding and grinding away for 450,000 years.
Humans all started forever wars with themselves and all the Animallian Star races in this Universe.
In the Cosmic Blink of an Eye - Dark Fleet Completely ENDED All of this forever fighting fools by completely wiping them all out, in a display that was so formatably impressively and dominantly terrifying that it shifted everyones consciousness in the Universe into IMMEDIATE Obedience with themselves.
Does this ring a bell?
@luzifertoo2 Wow - could have sworn Ive been over this for the last 2 months, with the most explicative answers ever given to mankind there has been.
Thank you - Not a big deal but you have information that isn't the same as EA's or others. You are def a cheerleader for Nacht Waffen but your information is colored by your sources. As is everyone's.
I do enjoy getting everyone's thoughts because it seems the info ppl have/get isn't always the same. I value all of it.
Posted by: @quinn@luzifertoo2 Wow - could have sworn Ive been over this for the last 2 months, with the most explicative answers ever given to mankind there has been.
Thank you - Not a big deal but you have information that isn't the same as EA's or others. You are def a cheerleader for Nacht Waffen but your information is colored by your sources. As is everyone's.
I do enjoy getting everyone's thoughts because it seems the info ppl have/get isn't always the same. I value all of it.
Honest Question - Does EA or any of this other others have a "Military Contract"? If so budged to what amount? GayaTv and Billy Carson and others have CIA contracts. Which should be so obvious that it's like a neon sign reading "PsyOp". The CIA lies. The Military is BOUND to the Truth (unless we are running counter intelligence - and for ONCE in our existence this is NOT the case. It is 1000x easier to tell the Truth. I'm LITERALLY "Programmed" to 100% absolute Military Grade Honesty).
I'm not on these boards as any content creator or contributor. The Rules of the Universe are yall HAVE to be informed of what is going to drop on y'all before we drop it on yall. I'm completely fulfilling that criteria before "Bombs Away" - exactly the ways aforementioned. Blasting This Planets Ascension in 2025
Fyi - God Channels Me. Since 1992. On the Full Scope of His Ascension Model For Planet Earth - which i RAN with and directly ATTACKED the Cabal WITHOUT even knowing I had backing - AGGRESSIVELY. In 2019 the FULL Scope Of the United States Military (Above Top Secret) Maximally Enveloped All Around Me. In 2023 Nazis began Channeling Me because I was so stupid that I couldn't even figure out myself that Dark Fleet was behind it all.., even though my past live memories are with them. I'm comically naive. Here is a contrast
What are her local Military Bases which are actively coordinating with Me vs anyone else in the community? And to what degree?
Classification and Clearance Level?
How Many Ground Military Personnel/Intelligence Agents and Agencies are assigned to operative?
Miss I'm Not a cheerleader. I'm Extremely Decorated. Operational. And YES I'm Umbrella Classified as both German and American Military.. Nazis don't do little military Operations. We Perform Mega Cosmic Operations. Such as "Contouring Realities" for Local Star Systems and Making Galaxies.., and Ascension of the Universe.
Earth isn't really even a "planet". Under all of your feet is 10 miles of Deep Underground Military Bases - Encircling the circumference the entire Planet. Literally.
These are 1000s of Planets within this Planet - With 90% of the Infrastructure Engineered by Dark Fleet.
Miss, We Have Always Had FULL Control over everything in this Universe. The Chaos was Always Under Complete Control. Now the Chaos is Completely Ending. Which Has been Simply explained in so many simple ways so there is no confusion.
As Aforementioned - This is NOT the GFLs Operation. But they are PARTICIPATING Excitingly with the Greatest "Cheerleading" Excitement for and Because Of Dark Fleets "SuPriSe Performance"
Miss Everybody in the Universe, Everybody in the MultiVerSe is Dark Fleets Excited Cheerleader Now.
But We are NOT being Worshipped. If ANY other star race were to have rescued the Universe that would be so weird psychologically to all the races which were saved because of the oddness in the relationship formed thereafter to their "Savior". And this would never hold.
Unless that One Star Race is the Cosmic Military Designed at the beginning to do exactly this at this time. Because the Military is Expected to perform "these actions" and this is psychologically simple for yall to accept this. Plus We look and talk EXACTLY like you. while other human star races look and talk like something out of a fantasy movie, which does not jive with how we are socially on this planet. We make it perfectly congruent psychologically.
The GFL Is only allowed to seep out extremely general info to inspire you to into action and to figure things out for yourself. They like all star races are forbidden from "telling" you anything. Leading you is not allowed. Which is why they "tip toe" with communications. Unless you ask them the right questions with the right Intention (exactly like Children do - this is the key to opening things up. The Children Will be the Ones Opening Everything Up)
I know the Reports about things like "the lions gate" opening (to give one example). Here's how to Translate that kind of "intelligence". It's called "compartmentalized". It's small scale localized Cosmic Military action conducted by 4d star races who of course are happy now to be effectually participating in things, but it's an extremely small part of the story but one they can tell.
And although GFL Intel IS coming from an EXCELLENT Source. It's os drip fed intentionally because of the OPERATIONAL SILENCE that everyone is adhering to perfectly - Of Course under our strict operational oversight but of course under their own RESPONSIBILITY as well.
Another difference between me and everyone else in the entire community is this - you all want to share all of your opinions on all of these matters. I do not. I'm only doing it because I literally have to. Militarily Contractually
I hope you don't think I don't value your input or think you're not being 100% honest- I do. What I know would fill a thimble. Maybe because I grew up on a lotta church teachings - but the element of humility seems oddly missing from your delivery of information for an enlightened group of beings such as Nacht Waffen - hence my cheerleader reference. No offense meant.
I just don't believe you are the only human here who has the final word on "The Truth". Your background is military. Your truth is based, to a great extent, on that experience & that intelligence. Others have different backgrounds and provide different intelligence - I also think they are telling the truth. Interpretation, as was recently pointed out in another thread, has SO MUCH to do w/ how we perceive & digest the truth.
I would like to hear more about this:
Fyi - God Channels Me. Since 1992.
You are saying the one God (other names - Source, The Central Sun). Suspect since we are all fractals of God- this is what you are getting at but I'm interested in your 1992 experience and more about this.
Ouch! I just lost a page of reply!
Yes We are All Fractals of God - This is Where Our Infinite Power Comes From 🌞
Here's a list of what God has Communicated To me:
1) "think and Act on behalf of your fellow man"
2) "blast Consciousness"
3) it's not your fault (to do with mushroom manufacturing)
4) you can make this, this is for the carteles (to do with dmt synthesis)
5) find peaceful solutions to all problems
6) you must mend the broken bonds between you and your parents before you begin
7) This is for the Children of Mexico
8) Observe the Power in Even My Most OverLooked Gifts
9) All of You Were Always Invited to Use All of My Light
10) A First Visual Map, Extremely Simple to Draw map for the Children of the 12 Dimensions. "The Multidimensional Tier System".
11) A Second Visual Map - Depicted to Me as A Childrens Drawing called "The Universal Timeline". From Cosmic Era 0 to Cosmic Era 6. We Are shifting from Cosmic Era 3 (Duality - which Means separation from God) to Cosmic Era 4 (Unity)
12) and More
In 2010 is the Year I went Fully Operational, and Began the Aggressive Campaign into DMT Synthetisis with the Full intent to Bring this All to Mexico. To Blast Consciousness. For the Children Of Mexico. I Attacked the System because God told Me Exactly How and provided the cheat codes of exactly how - to flip this Planet.
I Proceeded - With Consciousness of the Heart