Protect from manifesting negative thoughts
I’d like to ask the Galactic Federation if I have understood this download correctly.
I have always been a super manifester. And pretty good at keeping my thoughts positive. But I had started feeling anxiety about accidentally manifesting my negative thoughts and I asked for assistance. I received a download of a ‘prayer’ where I divorced myself from the rules of the matrix. And changed the rules so that the matrix is only allowed to manifest my positive thoughts and desires. So I can freely have accidental negative thoughts and not worry they’ll be manifested. My understanding was that since I am source, I created the game, which means I can change the rules of the game. So the matrix now ignores my negative thoughts and only manifests ones that propel me into my highest vibration. Or keep me there. It did give me instant relief. And I’m hoping I understand it correctly.
Thank-you and much love 💕