Premature Babies
Why does some babies decide to be born very early?
My son literally decided to come at 28 weeks , he broke my water while I was sleeping.lots of things I learned during the process, but still, I have these questions.
Is it that these new beautiful starseeds are so powerful that when their souls enter the baby's body, they could cause so much energy that mom can go into labor?
... so what do u think about the manipulations in the birth process?
I obviously decided to be born 2 month earlier, in hospital they first tried to stop the process with medication, found out they can't stop it, than gave the opposite medication which caused problems for my mum (I mean, come on, this is so stupid, u don't give opposite medication in a short time, but ok...) so I didn't see my mum two weeks as I was brought into an incubator...
I wrap my head round manipulation for weeks now. Trust is key I guess 🙂
I might do a channeling myself on this topic. But what comes to mind is that the soul is aware when a mother has intervention in her path of experiences. That the soul coming in chose those as well. Everything is divine, even when it comes to intervention. But this is coming from my internal knowing, so if it doesn’t resonate no worries 🙂 also I totally agree with there being specific astrological alignments a part of the souls chart for the incarnation.
Lookup Sunni Karll and read her book
Sacred Birthing: birthing a new humanity
Placenta the forgotten chakra (Robin Lim)
Little bit off topic but great knowledge about giving birth.