Parenting in the real world…
As far as parenting, are you going to let your son know about everything you see and know as he gets older? How do we all go about bringing light to our own children so they understand the real world we live in. I struggle with this very often..
@sregler09 Until 12 you have to tell them everything, everything you know. In the age of puberty it's a different thing because they have to develop their own discernment and they won't pick everything you say as truth. On the contrary. They want to find out themselves. They will (at first) be wanting to form an opinion 180 degrees opposite of yours. That's only natural. Were you awakened since birth? No. Give it time and trust the process. Maybe it will take them 50 years to awaken. Maybe never. They live among vast amounts of unawakened. Just trust them, give em your Unconditional Love. Keep communicating. You cannot prevent their ego death. Give them full freedom and time but always show your love. Never get angry, just show your point of view in a neutral way. Be the best example how hard that is even. Because we are human after all with emotions etc. Good luck!
Hi, I'm no mother but I work with kids in preschool. One thing I expirience with every single kid is that it's not about the words you say, its all about the relationship. In the spiritual world it's similar, it's not about the description you have for all the crazy phenomenon, it's about love. So putting these two together, having an authentic loving relationship to your kids, showing them that love is the most important aspect between you, but also in everything there is, that is way more important than the explanations you give around e.t.'s or anything, that could potentially confuse them. It doesn't mean, you shouldn't talk to them about it. Show them, that you're a human too and you don't have all the answers, but you explain yourself these things in that way and this is the reason why you do so. In that way, you're giving them your perspective as a possible one and enable them to find their own. Maybe you can even discuss with them the stuff and ask, what they think is true or if they belive in this or that. They have so much wisdom themselves 😊