Nanotech Japan
Is the information around the nano particles found in the Japanese people real? What is going on in Japan with nanotech?
From Our Perspective (Vista) what this suggests to all of you.., is to suggest to yourselves to go completely Organic and Natural As Gaia.
It's so easy to Choose Wisely.
@juni We (Humanity) have to prepare to detox nanotech in a swiftly way. It already was inside the V* but all future pharmaceuticals will contain it. You think you never take them? When you go to the dentist and need a sedation it probably already contains nanoparticles. What are nanoparticles? Basically a two dimensional shape of carbon atoms. The drugs attach to them and you need far less drugs for the same effect. Or the drugs become stronger. So, after you absorb the drugs, the nanoshapes can act like many sharp tiny razorblades. Not sure if this is the case, but Big Pharma did enough research to prove this technique is safe, yes? What do yóu think? Nah... they got away with the C* mrna experimental tech, naming it vaccine. They think they get away with everything. Maybe they do want to depopulate, or is it only wanting to make more money, which they already have in spades. Let us dive into THIS rabbit hole. Its an interesting one. Even if you eat organic who will say it cannot come into our drinking water, as its so small, no filter will filter this one out.
The solution is as always love and trust, no fear, raise above, gratitude, transform the negative stuff into beneficial and or learn this in EA's System Override Course.