Jordan Peele: subtle Hollywood whistleblower?
Hey there Elizabeth! With your recent info about clones, I’m wondering about the subliminal messaging of Jordan Peele’s movies:
“Get Out” addresses the concept of transferring a consciousness to another body; very similar to how you recently described Kate M’s consciousness embodying her clone.
“Us” brings awareness to underground tunnels, which I’ve recently learned is where much transportation of human trafficking occurs😣
And most recently he’s released “Nope”, which I haven’t seen as it seems very scary- but seems to address “bad alien” or a reptilian invasion/abduction.
All of these allusions make me wonder if/how he’s connected to the great awakening, and if you’ve ever picked up anything about him as a whistleblower in the Hollywood industry?
Thank you for the consideration to answer this!
hi -- are you whitney1 or Light Codes 105 - but hello! I really appreciate your post because I have not heard of Jordan Peele before and now I really want to check out these movies!! Personally, I will reserve the term "whistleblower" for someone who is literally and directly testifying in a court case revealing heretofore hidden truth. From your text, I would just think that Jordan Peele is someone who is quite awake and is getting the message out using his own language and flying under the radar!! if that's the case then bravo Jordan! thank you for posting this!
Love this question! I've watched all of these movies and loved the first two. Be interesting to know!