is The Joke "Hi! I'm God!!" categorically psychotic and worthy of a diagnosis, or is it a statement of great enlightenment?
Just would like Your thoughts on gaffe that has determined the course of the last 49 years of my life. When I first said it I thought was the funniest thing I had ever conceived because how could GOD be 5foot8?
@dew We are all God, we are all an aspect of God. In this aspect we can see the whole. God, or better Source, is like a Hologram. If you chip off a piece, then in that piece you can still see the whole hologram.
But back then and still now, religion brainwashed us assuming that god is a white old wise man in the sky. A boss who decides everything. And a simple human could never say he is the boss. So you are declared mad. The people who see the truth are often declared mad. Like anti-vaxers are declared mad, irresponsible to let children get illnesses. A lie. All truth seekers are declared mad. So that the sheeple will easily be manipulated. No freedom. No freedom of thinking was allowed. Only now these times are changing, with the great Awakening.
Thanks Arkie, I could never have imagined the effect my innocent Joke would have on my journey-- but when I first hospitalized, I stuck with "Go with the Flow"-- and that Flow of being God has brought me to my present place where I am ready to help transform the Earth and beyond with the GFL.