Insects biting and drinking our blood
What is the connection and purpose of insects that bite us and drink our blood, like mosquitos?
Why are some humans more appealing to them than others?
Is this anywhere connected with Cosmic families of individuals that attack them more?
You shouldn't see this as attacks. Your perfect body is inviting them to bite. Or not. It's just nature. In fact they are helping you. It's you needing some acupuncture at some 'weak' points and you attract what is needed. It's not really weak but unbalanced. It's not always attack from outside, that's what the fear mongering brain-washing did to us 😉
I'm sooooo unsure about this - it resonates in a way but at the same time I'm just not sure - because as well resonates that they just need food and and I definitely feel the bites more at the end of summer when they seem to have a higher load of toxic crop protection products and I don't know what else >< soooo I really wanna see them as acupuncture helpers but working in a big garden I struggle with them every day in summer/autumn and I sometimes am like "ok, everything is fine, you are nature, it's all good" and sometimes I am like "get the fuck of my body otherwise I really show you some boundaries aka u go or die..." 😱