Hybridization Program
Hi EA, I have another question for you 🤭
Do you have an understanding on why people say the Grey Hybridization program is a nefarious thing? I recently saw someone posting channelling content from her Pleiadian higher self that says this program is harmful and their intention is to create this species in order to "invade" us easier. This same person states that's why she doesn't trust Bashar. This doesn't personally resonate with me but i'd love to hear your thoughts.
Thank you! ❤️
@shaye-clare8 EA has several videos on hybridization, look for them in the video section. She looks at it without fear. Besides we already are hybrids. Most of us starseeds here have at least 4-5 alien types of DNA, probably more, next to human.
@lighthealer_arkie thank you 😊 I appreciate hearing your thoughts. Those are my thoughts exactly about us already being hybrids.
What's made me curious to ask is how different this person's (the one who channeled the program being nefarious) perspective is. I'm wondering if it's a common alternate belief that it's being done to make "invading" easier for them.
I think I watched that video you linked when EA first did it so that's what's helped me not fear it either! I was just quite surprised hearing that other perspective and wanted to know others thoughts 😄
When people channel something it's always mixed with their own believe system. That's only logical. You interpret the message against a background of your own experiences and intelligence level. And frequency. So, everything anybody channels is to be taken with your discernment of resonance. To take it, or leave it. For me, EA is the only person who always have been resonating with me, for 99%, correction 120%. 😇 But even everything she channels, I hold against my internal discernment system.
@shaye-clare8 Here's the link: https://elizabethapril.com/video-post/hybridization-project-ea029/