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Celebrities & Reptilian Release
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Celebrities go through a ceremony to allow a reptilian soul to take space in their body. If a celebrity/individual who has done this can increase their personal vibration to a point that is too high for the reptilian soul to hold space, then can that person be free of that soul or would that reptilian soul also raise in vibration and become essential “something good” that assists them through their human experience? If they can learn the lesson attached to letting that entity attach to their human, can they release that entity from their space? If the human chooses the path of light, I find it hard to accept the universe would not allow that soul to free itself from that evil attachment?
Posted : 12/03/2024 12:06 pm
The High Heart and Lu reacted
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@katelynlawrence Thank you for your question!
Posted : 12/03/2024 5:58 pm