Caffeine opening abilities and raising vibration?
I am not sure if anyone else has had similar experiences like this or can relate with other substances. Since I’ve awakened, I have noticed that if I drink coffee or have any source of a high amount of caffeine, my abilities seem to open and information comes in faster. It’s so much easier to connect to spirit this way and also I feel a lot more happier and connected to source. Of course once it wears off it feels like my vibration lowers and I do not feel connected much anymore. I don’t want to have to depend on caffeine to feel this - I’m not going to lie I have drank caffeine just for the purpose of feeling this way. Is it okay to use caffeine for this intent? Or is there a healthier way I can connect to my abilities/source? Asking for myself, and all those who may also have addictions to substances. Thank you!