C-Section and other...
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C-Section and other "non natural" birth

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Hey EA, all the best and what u need and all love for the first magical weeks with Bodhi...

In my second pregnancy I received rolfing sessions from a spiritual friend of mine, my baby was in the starseeker position like my firstborn and I really wanted to turn her cause birthing "the other way around" is harder for both (especially with 38cm headed babys ><) and my first one ended as a C-section after 3 days (I got fever after 2 days and was brought to hospital by my midwife cause she couldn't carry the responsibility)...

I remember that my friend asked me about birth and I told him of my planned homebirth, he smiled and asked me what she wants and immediately C-section got in my mind but I pushed the thought aside because - is it even possible that a child WANTS a hospital birth? I was over due for almost 2 weeks as my water broke and it was green/brown so without contractions my midwife brought me to the hospital again... I had an almost self-determined birth (they wanted me to lay down, I compromised in half sitting half laying 🙄) and in the end she came through vacuum... 

So my question is if a child really could want a hospital birth/c-section and how to deal with the responsibility coming with it (would have driven me nuts to find the "right" birthtime for her)... 

This question still comes up so I want to know what you (all) think about it...

Posted : 23/05/2023 2:16 am
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Light Codes: 1007

Wow!!! This is very interesting questions!

Posted : 23/05/2023 7:29 am