I got the Crazy Card today.
Chapter 11: I’M CRAZY
The sky is falling, your reality is an illusion and the rest of the world thinks you’re absolutely CRAZY! Not to worry Starseed, things need to get a little chaotic before they settle down. This card indicates that you have been battling the outside world and are losing your footing a little. Stay firm in your beliefs and conviction. You may feel alone, but you absolutely are not! If you feel the judgment is creeping in and taking you down a little too much, create some space and healthy boundaries between you and others. Have compassion for them, they have not yet begun the journey you have been on. If you pulled this card and are not experiencing this polarity in your connections to others, it may be a warning that something is about to take place. Once again, keep your awareness and your little empathic self grounded and aligned!