Hi there EA and light siblings much love to all of you!!
I just watched one of EAs newest videos where she shares her personal story about not giving into the fear while in the water and receiving teachings by pure source energy thru nature. While watching the video i thought to myself, But EA you should know that ultimately we win as we all begin realizing the awakening is just learning how to navigate thru both light and dark and giving our appreciation to both for the experience. Why not put on that bright smile and say 'Thank you swarm of representations of fear i am grateful for the lesson i am being tested on' and own her moment. Then 5 minutes later i take a deep breath of nature trying to connect and i felt what i thought eas my dogs tail which i swatted at then again on my back n swatted at then again i felt it on my shoulder and i looked over my shoulder to see a GIANT SCORPION!! I SCREAMED AND SWATTED IT OFF at lightning fast speed! Those things are fast and can sting multiple times in a matter of nano seconds. He had been on me for a while too with me already swatting at him and he hadnt stung me. In fact when i looked over my shoulder he still seemed pretty chill like 'hey whats up' but of course that didnt come to me toll after i flung him off. I have no idea where he went but i thought to myself. 'Great. Wtg Ego! I just failed the same test! Then thought 'i wonder wat everyone else thinks about scorpions. I speak of the aggressive brpwn ones not the more passive black ones.
Are we brainwashed to believe they are always dangerous? Maybe it's true that they can be sometimes dangerous, and only when they feel threatened. I don't really know as I'm no expert. As we awaken we only get rid of some of the brainwashing. Maybe next time you can ask it if it would bite? Telepathically.
Its not true about only stinging you when they are threatened. One day i was lying on my stomache and my feet were swaying around (one would think a bug would avoid wildly flailing feet). The moment my feet were still s scorpion crawled into my shoe then stung me like 'get out!' That punk evicted my foot from my own shoe! The audacity of that punk B****. Yeah i wasnt having that. He didnt dwell there for much longer.
@maree72 I think I will feel the same the moment I saw the scorpion crawling to my body. LOL!
I can't imagine a scorpion crawling on my body. Uhhh, I'm so scared!!!