Has anyone watched The Antidote with Jason Shurka (TLS) and Dr. Ardis?
@tina2 Actually there were lots of members who recommended watching that video. 😊🙏
@tina2 I did watch this documentary. I resonated with the information. I have not tried the remedies he has mentioned but I am considering it. I do feel like I have some lasting effects from having what I believe was the so called "Covid" in 2020. Many years ago I did use Nicotine Gum per Dave Asprey (The Bulletproof Coffee guy :)) He was talking about how nicotine is very powerful for our brain and we can use it to help us perform mental tasks. So I did use it when I was working on work projects. I noticed it did help my energy, my creativity, mental stamina, and mental focus. Dave mentioned the same thing as Dr. Ardis. What is added to Nicotine cigarettes is what makes us addicted and or ill. So I had heard about the benefits of Nicotine before so I think that's why Dr. Ardis's theory makes sense to me. I guess the only thing to do is try it. Just my thoughts. Take it or leave it 🙂
@shelly-ahlschlager I totally agree. Like what EA always said: "Take it or leave it".
@marieguerdin11 it explains the real cause of COVID19 as well as the antidote for long COVID and the vaccine. The antidote is as surprising as the cause!
@nowkat @tina2 Thank you, unfortunately RUMBLE is banned in France, so unfair !
it says, "
Because of French government demands to remove creators from our platform, Rumble is currently unavailable in France. We are challenging these government demands and hope to restore access soon."
Thank you for sharing!!