Dreaming of extrate...
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Dreaming of extraterrestrials

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Has anybody else had dreams of extraterrestrials? I have had many.. I have dreamt of them being in my room, being in a field and walking upto a spaceship that was hovering and one even where I was a child again in my dream and I was inside a spaceship with a few other children I had never seen before. There have been many more and they are all so vivid. It feels as if these are real experiences that I am having with these extraterrestrials rather than just a compilation of things I have seen throughout the day influencing my subconscious. Just curious if anyone else has experienced this? 

Posted : 05/01/2024 12:57 pm
Nick Quinn reacted
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@krusk545 You sure those are dreams? Sounds more like astral and higher realm interactions and experiences with your galactic guides and ascension team. Our realities are absolutely shifting where we can experience other density’s, dimensions and other variations without the fabric of time and space.

Posted : 05/01/2024 4:50 pm
Krusk545 reacted
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@krusk545 I agree with Nick. It can be that you are astral traveling. You can check this link to some of EA's videos regarding astral travel: https://shorturl.at/tLPZ8

Posted : 06/01/2024 3:38 am
Krusk545 reacted
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Thank you. That makes sense! 

Posted : 06/01/2024 5:08 am