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children's vaccines

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Dear EA
I'm new to the forum and very happy to be part of the community!
My question: I have 3 small children and I have always wondered what the real purpose of vaccinations for children is, does it really help children develop an immune system or are there hidden purposes here that serve factors with negative energies??
I have vaccinated all my children and sometimes not wholeheartedly, if it is not in their best interest, do their systems know how to clean up the damage caused?

Thank you!


Posted : 19/03/2023 9:29 pm
Bret R and Suprflymel reacted
Posts: 3504
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Welcome to the community🙌 Thank you so much for being here❤️🙏

Posted : 20/03/2023 8:08 am
Posts: 39
Member Registered

Hey linoy! 

I have a pharmaceutical background and never questioned vaccines until I had my first child. It is such a holy grail in the medical system and seemed so logical that I just baught it. 

After 3 years of researching I personally came to the conclusion not to vaccinate my children at all...

I recommend every parent who asks me to do their own research because what I found is that the vaccines and the diseases have the same spectrum - there is fear on both ends (up to the fear of death and happened death) so you have to decide which way u wanna go...

I still recommend vaccines in some cases to parents who cannot handle a sick child - who get in full dysfunction and stress when having to handle a sick child in general because when their kids suffer from a disease and the parent think they maybe could have prevented it with a vaccine - it is so much energy there... I don't say that I believe in vaccines but you have to go down this rabbit hole on your own - understanding the diseases and the vaccines the same way... A sick child needs a calm parent, when fever is going up to over 40degrees u need to know what to do (and not giving ibu cause this can cause severe side effects especially with measles...) U have to know the symptoms or how to research what to do, having trust in u and ur child, this topic is so complex that it really needs time...

In my opinion all the typical child-diseases are not longer a problem in large for our children - the children already come in differently, our environment has changed etc. but there are circumstances where disease still happens of course. How do u see for example measles? Do you see it as an upgrade for ur child that u can handle as a parent? 

There are different layers here to the vaccines, to the possible diseases and over all the responsibility u carry as a parent.

When u look at vaccines from an energetical and somatic point of view it seems like a desaster - the vaccines may contain all kind of cells like cancer cells, monkey or cells from aborted fetal matter and in my feeling this cannot be cleaned out (like said) during the process of getting the vaccine so the body-system has to deal with it among other substances like heavy metals, or other "trigger-marterial" which causes the reaction in the immunsystem and the developing of the antibodys... Even if u believe that vaccines are good - they are not lasting (like getting a livelong immunity in cases of some child-diseases) which leads to other problems etc.  


Ur question of building an immune-system - in my opinion yes and no, children build their immune system the first years and I personally would more see it as an lifelong ongoing anyways soooo yes the "train" their immune-systems because their body-system has to deal with what comes in aka with the vaccine but do they really need to deal with ingredients of the vaccine anyways? Unvaccinated children of course develope a immune-system as well dependent on the surroundings they are in... When u look at the pharmaceutical system in general it is questionable on so many levels so I leave it up to you if u see negative energies there or not... (not saying that most people working there would have harm in their heads - quite the opposite is my experience but the higher u climb the ladder in this system the more real evil stuff u will see...)


coming to the good part  😉

Our bodies are incredible at wanting to heal so with epigenetics, the wisdom over our nervous system (and trauma), neuroplasticity and all the quantum(mechanics, energy, healing) - it more and more arrives in the science-world (by that I mean that the information is out there, we seem to have a long way to go to transform the system but hey, that is why we find ourselves here in this forum...) and gives us explanations and wonder for our world and "reality" we live in...

My question here would be - do ur kids have problems like autoimmune stuff, allergies etc.? Don't create a problem when there is none... And if there are some problems - first step ever would be detox in my head - search for zeotlith (in nanopartical form), active charcol or chlorophyll 

Make sure the kids are met in their needs - fresh food, water, air (when u go deeper u will probably find out that detox should always be a thing for everybody these days...), emotional support (!!!), having time to play, to create, to get dirty... Heal ur traumas (big topic!) so u don't give them to ur kids etc....


I'm gonna stop myself now because I get lost in here easily - it's such a complex topic when it comes to kids and I can't cover every angle for sure >< 

Hope it helped a bit, if u have further questions and my answer resonated get back to me if u want ...






Posted : 31/03/2023 3:29 am
Amy, Arkie M., jimmypitt66 and 2 people reacted
Posts: 4
Member Registered

well said Christa!!

boost their immune system naturally, feed them with fresh foods, home made juices and smoothies, good fats and proteins and carbs, give them proper supplements like probiotics, vitamins and minerals, heal them naturally with olive leaf, colloidal silver, goldenseal, ginger and turmeric, them unconditionally!! and as you say....heal and love yourself so they see and feel that for themselves 😉    

Posted : 01/04/2023 6:26 am
Lyn reacted
Posts: 7
Freedom Fighter Registered

Agreed, well said @Christa.  Welcome to the community @linoy, and moreover welcome to the rabbit hole... 😵 

Proper informed consent is key, and every parent should take it upon themselves to do their own research and be informed, and not out-source your decision making and giving your power over to others. 

It is important to have open dialogue over these issues, no censorship, no mandates, medical freedom.


- The Vaccine Conversation Podcast (is a good place to start)

- The Highwire / ICAN

- Children's Health Defense

- The Magic Pill Documentary (Evolve Network)

- Vaxxed the movie

- Injecting Aluminum Documentary

- 1986: The Act Documentary

- The Business of Being Born Documentary

JP Handley (How to End the Autism Epidemic; Underestimated: An Austism Miracle).



Posted : 06/04/2023 11:12 am
Amy and Arkie M. reacted
Posts: 1089
Member Registered

In my view vaccines never work. Yes polio is gone, but the original disease with paralysis, or muscle atrophy is not gone. Instead, they call it just another new name. But hey polyo is gone.  Science still fails to recognize that the perfect body attracted the (imo good) polyo in the healing phase,  to clear a paralysis! Science fails to see the body as perfect. As we are brainwashed we also see a disease as failure. 

Same with TB tuberculosis. Ths bacteria eats cancer cells. No this bacteria has to be eradicated from the Planet. It is so dangerous! Now we see more cancer. 

Heart attacks? Cholesterol. Pills. No. The perfect body sends cholesterol to rebuild broken vessels. It is a result, not a cause. It's good not bad. But is is sold as bad. So millions of ppl take anti cholesterol pills on a daily basis.

The list is endless! Coronavirus? All virusses are a result, a waste product of the cleaning mechanism of the Perfect Body. Or they simply help clean up. Virusses are never the cause of illness! If they exist, which is never proven.

As for spirituality, i strongly believe in Antroposofic filosophy of Rudolf Steiner. He states that all children diseases are meant to grow spiritually to a next level. So this community chooses to take far less or no vaccines for their children.

Sorry for the ramblings;)

Posted : 10/05/2023 2:44 am
jimmypitt66 reacted