Sensitive Teeth
Is anyone noticing they have sensitive teeth, off and on, but way more frequently the past year, than in the past?? My partner and I get this simultaneously, as well, which is so weird, so unexplainable. No, it ain’t cold foods, or hot foods, or both, no grinding, no receding gums, none of that. It is the weirdest thing. I am so curious to see if anyone else is experiencing this.
YESSSSS! I have been! I'm glad you asked this - also interested if this is some kinda thing.
Yes this has definitely been happening on and off for me this year. I don't grind my teeth or anything. For the most part my teeth are strong. I have not done it in years but those jar breakers candies I would eat one and instantly bite into it and it would be gone in 5 seconds.people were always in shock when they saw me do this lol
@djfeathers70 Only once or twice in the past four years. And not my teeth but only the moles. Only one side. It lasted weeks maybe more but as I always trust my body, without paying attention the problem is gone.
Teeth has to do with self-confidence, showing "the will to bite". Moles have to do with crushing things, processing what's happening. Better grounding. So, with sensitivity periods, you are giving yourself an (awakening) upgrade. Afterwards you gained more self-confidence, but only you will know on what area (social, work, relationship, family, spiritual, karma, or a physical trauma, fight or argument)
@djfeathers70 Thanks for bringing this up! That’s definitely an interesting topic as I have experienced the same lately.