Paranoid and just all around low
I am feeling like the world around me is fuzzing out, and like I am not feeling heard. It has trickled into a kind of paranoia where it seems like it is purposeful…even here. Help!
@wanderinghallows Go immediately into Nature for a long walk or stay, do grounding work. Ill send you love and healing 💓 for the mean time. Keep the faith. Take EAs book and re-read some random chapters. You're not dying You're just waking up! Oh and call the Angels, they are there for you, they never take a coffee break and will always help us.
@wanderinghallows You are tuning into other layers of reality. Please don't be hard on yourself. Remember that you are exactly where you are supposed to be for a reason. Keep holding your light! You are not alone! Sending so much love and good vibes❤️✨
@rainyangel omg and your rainy angel! idk y it got me at the end when I was reading you were hoping for rain, I love the rain too. I can’t get enough of it. It brings a calming peace I can’t explain, especially being in it. Freeing, rewarding, grounding…all of it is manifested in that.
I wanted to take time to read your message, so I am sorry about the paused response. Its important I feel that I gave a response. It is beautiful to see folks on this forum connecting and we need to stick together.
Everything seems like it is wrong most days, fake even, like I am not supposed to be here. It takes so much to convince myself “keep going” and its worth it…idk. I sleep most days and some say that is a sign of deep depression, others that I am charging. Some of the folks here have said work with angels, which I do actually and totally began isolating myself from even their help. I pray most nights that they just hold me and that helps…maybe it can help you. There just seems to be a swarm of negativity sitting above hoping to crush us. It feels good listening to EA and how they who were are losing, almost feels like this swarming energy is their last ditch attempt.
I will need to look at the forums you listed and get more involved. WE don’t need to be alone right?