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Maybe this is my last incarnation on this planet! Does other feel the same?

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Hi everyone. 
I don’t really know why but I feel this is or could be my last incarnation on this planet! Whew I think about it, it make a kind of sense. I don’t have a lot of attachments in this current life. I mean; I don’t have kids, I don’t have a lifelong partner, I don’t have a dream career or anything that is really important for me. Witch leading me to think that it will be easier for me to say no thanks to incarnate on this planet in the future. I feel kind like an old soul who is a bit tired now. I feel like i am just here to say goodbye on so many levels. It is not an easy thing to feel, but it could wery well be the truth for me. 

I just want to hear if other feel same same way, or feel the same but in a different way. 😁

hugs from me.


Posted : 01/07/2023 2:52 pm
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@bmaluna Big YES. lol. We are finally free of the Karmic loop that has kept us all here. We were here until we ascended with Gaia, anchored in 5th dimensional energies and activated the crystalline grid. We're doing all that right now. For most of us, this is mission accomplished:) We're going home finally. But not until the fun part:) This is all going to be well worth it very soon. Love and Light:)

Posted : 01/07/2023 9:14 pm
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I was just thinking about this after I saw the worldwide demographic trends yesterday. Birthrate is decreasing at the speed of light, and population will decrease. That made me think of the end of the karma loop, souls don't have to come back anymore (if they don't want to). Not sure if it's related or not, that could be a good video for EA to channel.

Posted : 02/07/2023 2:41 am
Nick Quinn reacted
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Thanks for replying. Nick can you maybe tell a bit more about the completion? I seems like so many humans have a job to finish here……  can you describe in your own words what is going to happen?  Patrice, well what you are saying make so much sense also. Regarding the karmic loop;  Don’t your guy’s think it will continue also in another place/planet? Has it always been the plan to “leave” the humans behind when the job is done?  Ah Mann, I feel I little sad about it. It’s not an easy thing for me to say goodbyes. It is so refreshing to read another point of view.  And yes! I would love to se a channeled video by EA. I fact I’m new in here, and it is so so so deep what is going on I here. Beyond words!

This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Begitte Maluna Fogsgaard Thomsen
Posted : 02/07/2023 4:26 am
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@bmaluna Very interesting topic😊

Posted : 02/07/2023 5:52 pm
Nick Quinn reacted
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@bmaluna Sure. I’ll try to express it as directly as possible from my perspective. Super large topic. We are from other star systems. Lyra for me but it can be all others too. Pleaideas, Arcturus, Andromeda, Sirius, Alpha Centauri etc. We volunteered to come to Earth to assist Gaia and the humans to ascend. There was a nefarious ET invasion that took place that enslaved the humans here. Draco Reptillian ETs. They are the ones that created the government control and economic slavery systems in place currently. It was purposeful to make it so hard to survive here. The Draco feed from negative emotions. They are parasitic in nature. There is polarity in everything, As Above, so Below. We came here and didn’t realize that we wouldn’t have our innate abilities. We have galactic anchoring spots around the Earth in different locations that we are grounding to. The more we activate, the stronger our vibrations get and the faster we activate the 5th dimensional crystilline grid. For example mine is Telos in Mount Shasta. We still ground to our grid where ever we are. It just feels amazing, sacred and Divine when we visit them. I offered some of crystals in different locations, and took water home to drink and to use in my energy catch jars. I’m charging my crystals in the sacred water too:).

Back on topic . Last incarnation here, mission will be accomplished soon. Finally 🙂

We’ve had several human, animal and elemental incarnations on Gaia. For the Elemental incarnations, some were fairies other gnomes etc. 

A little background

The Draco ETs are intelligent and made it so we would lose our abilities and re incarnate here through programming. We incarnated here and by the false interwoven programming built into the human based religions we manifest to re incarnate. Karma ties etc. That’s over now. The veil has been removed and our Galactic families have woken us up. When we think of our guides, think of them as actual people. Family members with abilities and technology to allow them to give us telepathic messages and descerment. I was, my guess 1000’ from my physical Telosion guide in a Telos just a couple days ago. It’s real and it’s hard to process. It’s a big topic and we have to take small bites until we can take it fully in. If I can help fill in any blanks let me know. That’s why I’m here 🙂 Also , going to tag a fellow tribe member of mine. Maybe Lily @lilynovastarseed can add to this Topic, ❤️ sister:). So important for us all to grasp onto to break free of the programming. This is how we come together to collectively manifest our new realities. The veil gets pulled back which allows us to manifest our truth. 

Posted : 06/07/2023 3:52 pm
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@rainyangel616 Right? I was thinking the same way. We think of our guides in spirit form by default. I had some early encounters with my family in the physical very early on before I knew about the ascension. Some of our guides are in spirit but our galactic guides are literally people just like us. Some even look just like us. They have their abilities and they operate on a higher dimension of reality which allows them to do the things they do. A mix of innate 5th dimensional or higher energies and abilities mixed with super advanced ET technology. I had that realization when I was at the base of the mountain by Telos. I was surrounded by my Telosion family and it sunk in very deeply that they are just people like us. But without the veil blinding them and without ever losing their innate abilities. All love.

Posted : 08/07/2023 9:41 am
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@rainyangel616 Thanks Angie. Some things I can’t share but I’ll try to share as much as possible. I tried to capture the experience in the videos but they can’t do the experience true justice. I feel super loved and supported. ❤️ Team work like I’ve never experienced before. I came away with a clearer mission and a better understanding of my roots. I use to lean towards Alpha Centauri/ Lyra as my origin but after this trip it’s Telos/ Telosion all the way. Lyran origin. The Selosions from Alpha Centauri are the Telosions in Telos. A mind bender for sure but I came away with an incredibly close bond with my family and more confidence in my mission here. And a completely new perspective on my elemental family. First time for me meeting my fairy and elemental family. It felt like a family reunion with relatives that I didn’t know I had. Very special. I’m still processing everything honestly. I’ve been called to the mountain for the last year and now I know why. I’m so incredibly happy that I made the trip when I did. I was thinking about putting it off until the fall but the stars aligned and it was right to go when I did.

Posted : 08/07/2023 2:41 pm
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@slmcgowan05 So cool ❤️ .

Posted : 10/07/2023 4:43 pm
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@rainyangel616 Amen to that. lol

Posted : 11/07/2023 12:11 pm
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I feel the same. I did a little work about past lives and my current life purpose but only a small piece was ready to be revealed to me. The words that were used about my soul was ancient. My current life is for me to understand my soul at a deeper level and learn self love. Do you think that means the last life on 3d earth and maybe 5d is our next path? Or do you feel like you're going in a whole new direction?

Posted : 27/07/2023 12:39 pm