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Low energy and feelings of lethargy

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Anyone else feeling fatigued and tired all the time? I’m struggling so much with energy levels and mental lethargy. I was blaming the heat but I’ve stayed inside on the really hot days. It feels like there’s a deeper reason. Been on the gratitude train lately but that doesn’t even seem to break through. Would love to hear from you all! Thanks 🙏🏼☺️

Posted : 19/07/2023 12:26 pm
Nick Quinn reacted
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@kellieisner Hey Kelli. I’ve felt exactly like you’re describing. I posted a similar question months back. I ended up meeting Patrice through that post. He looked into my energy and I had 2 leaks in my energy field. He fixed those for me. I was also dealing with some attachments and blockages that Patrice lifted for me. I’ll tag Patrice here if you want to pick his brain. @patricekrysztofiak He does one on one work too. That’s what he did with me. Took about an hour. Well worth it.

Some other things to consider…Are your grounding daily? Like visualizing your energy grounding to Gaia but also receiving new high vibe energy back from Gaia? That’s helped me a lot. We visualize this a lot during the group reiki sessions. Replenishing life force energy should be a priority. We have to put on our oxygen masks so that we can contribute at our highest capacity. Self love and spiritual recovery and replenishment should be number one. If you’re struggling with this you did what you’re supposed to do, you reached out for help ❤️‍🩹.. 

Some things to help narrow in on what we need to work on to get you feeling better.

Are you meditating daily? Are you doing any breathwork? You can visualize light force energy coming into your energy field with your breath. It’s called a conscious breath or Divine breath. Are you taking advantage of any tools for energetic hygiene and replenishment? Like Arch Angel invocations. Ascended Master Invocations? We can help guide you if not. 🙂 The Arch Angels can protect your energy against low vibrational, negative or PARASITIC energies, entities, attachments. The dense energies can drain us. All it take is for us to have a leak or for a parasitic energy to be attached to our energy to leave us feeling drained daily. It’s hard to recover enough energy when it’s leaving our field before we can use it.  💡 ❤️ Ascended Masters like Saint Germain can transmute low vibrational energies to high vibrational energies. His energy is referred to as the violet flame or Gold Violet flame or Gold Purple flame depending on who’s talking about it. All the same:)

We’ll figure this out together. To answer your original question, yes. This is very common. Luckily you posted so we can help to get you the resolutions. 

Posted : 19/07/2023 3:48 pm
Nai, Tzveta and Kelli Eisner reacted
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You are very kind to help me! I did have a reading by Leonie and she said I had a hole in my energy field on my left side by my hip. The strange thing about it is that I injured my left leg and left hip/low back recently. Not a major injury, just some pulled muscles during exercise. I wonder if they are connected? 

I'll reach out to Patrice for help. I do meditate everyday but don't always ground. I need to be more consistent with grounding. I'm not sure what Arch Angel invocations are but I'm open to learning. 

Thanks again for your advice!

Posted : 20/07/2023 5:29 am
Nai and Nick Quinn reacted
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So many questions, so many answers:


Your energy changes day-by-day but, if you practise the below exercise regularly, you will become more in-tune with any energy blockages and flows within your body.
Get into a comfortable position and take some deep breaths.

1. Invite the divine energy to flow for your highest good and continue to breathe deeply.

2. Imagine the divine energy spreading through your body, noticing where it is flowing freely; are there any cold spots? Or areas where the energy feels stagnant or dark? Take some time to perform a body scan.

3. Take a deep breath in, and then on the exhale, make the sound ‘ohm’ on one long exhale. You might want to start softly, and then increase the volume and intensity as you continue to chant on the next few exhales. Don’t think about your chant, just try to connect to how your energy feels and where you feel it in your body.

4. Let the vibrations fill through your body. You may be able to push them out into your energy field as you become more familiar and at ease with your chant. How does that feel?

5. When you are ready, gradually bring your attention back inside your body and draw your energy to your dantian (your energy store), in the centre of your abdomen.

6. Let the energy continue to flow and again, scan your body. Do you notice any shifts?

Enjoy this feeling of calm and self-healing for as long as you feel you need to.

🕉 🕉 🕉 🕉 🕉 🕉

Posted : 20/07/2023 9:21 am
Kelli Eisner, Tzveta, Nick Quinn and 1 people reacted
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More exactly it's rather A-U-M than ohm. I also appreciate the help you asked, and got, for fixing the energetic holes in your aura.

Posted : 20/07/2023 11:14 am
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@kellieisner Very good. Leonie is so accurate it’s scary. She’s seen stuff that I’m doing in the astral and knew about things that she shouldn’t have known about. Shes super gifted. I think your pain is probably linked to your energy leak. From the perspective of performing energy work; When we are repairing leaks or healing past injury trauma we feel discomfort and pain in the areas that are being repaired. It’s common for the person with the leak or trauma to feel discomfort as well until it’s lifted or repaired. Patrice can fix that leak pretty quick. Or you can try to ask the Arch Angels in meditation to repair the leak for you. I hit a wall personally when I tried but maybe it’ll work for you? Something like this. “I call on Arch Angel Rafael to repair any leaks that I have in my energy field.” Then hold space for them to work. Maybe visualize AA Raphael or whom ever you resonate with repairing the leak. I’ve found with energy work it’s important to carry an intention, invoke Arch Angel or some sort of support then visualize the action. As creative as you want to be. You’re the creator, the manifester. Intention goes a long way and if you ask for Divine assistance it’ll come but we have to ask. Visualization helps with effectiveness or specific items that require detail. Like repair you energy leak on your hip exactly where it is. I’ll list out some different ways below for invoking Divine assistance. 

After each invocation hold space for the Arch Angels and Ascended Masters to work. You can visualize them working but hold that attention and hold that space while they work. You’ll get a feel for when they are done. You can feel your energy change. It’ll feel different depending on what’s going on. For cleansing and healing you’ll feel lighter after. For protection, repairs and activations you’ll feel more energy, intense energy. I usually hold space anywhere from 1 minute for quick stuff like protection, cleansing. Longer periods for healing, repairs and activations. Those may need more like 3-7 minutes. Here are some examples. I personally do every one of these invocations daily. 


Divine Invocations (Angelic and Ascended Master Support)

Purification/ cleansing
“I ask AA Michael to purify and cleanse my mind, body, soul and spirit. Please remove any low vibrational, negative or parasitic energies, attachments, energies or beings from my energy field.”

Also for cleansing you can invoke divine assistance to bless water and wash away energies using the element of Water. In your shower or bath you can say so like this.

“ I would like to connect to my higher self, Mother Father aged, Divine Spirit, Source, the Arch Angels. I’d like to Crystin this water in my bath or shower to baptize, purify and cleanse my body, mind, soul and spirit. Please let this water wash away any low vibrational, negative, parasitic energies, attachments, entities or being from my energy field, multidimensionally.”

Energy Field protection.
”I ask AA Michael to place a sphere of protection around my energy field please. Filled with divine white light. Please repel and prevent any low vibrational, negative, parasitic energies from interacting with my energy field.”

Energy Field Leaks.

”I call on my higher self, Mother Father God, Source, Divine Spirit, the Arch Angels. Please shower me in divine white light to repair any leaks in my energy field.” You can visualize white light flowing through every cell in your body, all through your aura to create a solid, properly functioning energy system.

Transmutation / Reversing energy polarities

” I call on Saint Germain please. I ask that you send me your gold violet 🔥 flame of transmutation and transformation to transmute any low vibrational or older energies that don’t serve me any further to their highest polarity of love and light ❤️ 💡.”

Daily Essentials during meditation

Grounding. 2 purposes.

1. Grounding our energy to Gaia and the 5D crystalline grid. 

2. Receiving new fresh high vibrational life force energy back from Gaia and the 5D crystalline grid. 

Method . State your intention and visualize. “I would like to connect with my higher self, Mother Father God, Source, Divine Spirit, Gaia. My intention is to ground my energy to Gaia and the Crystalline grid.” Visualize your energy leaving your root chakra and penetrating into the earth and illuminating the Crystal grid in Agartha, under the Earth. Equally as important visualize new fresh life force energy coming back to your through your crown chakra. Your body and energy field acting as an electrical circuit. Depositing energy, receiving energy in phase sequence. Rhythmically. Like a Divine electrical conductor. Walking barefoot outside and doing this makes it more intense but you can do it anywhere. Like in bed or wherever. I try to walk barefoot on the grass at least once a day though. 

Outcome- Recycling energies and replenishment of life force energy.


Stillness. Many reasons. 

You want to reach a point during your meditations where there is zero thought coming from you. A zero state. Just the present moment and stillness. This helps balance and rejuvenate life force energy as well. This is also the state you need to be in to receive channeling, psychic messages, messages from your higher self, messages from your guides etc. Stillness is where your power is. Energy work, healing work, activation work. It’s all done from that state of stillness. Then we weave in the intention or ask questions to receive answers or whatever the goal is. 

Your life force energy is sacred. If you’re grounding and experiencing stillness you’re in good shape. If you’re hitting these daily basics then you can experiment and play around with the other abilities that utilize a meditative state like energy work, healing others, activating others, activating yourself etc. 







Posted : 20/07/2023 3:30 pm
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I feel the same!

Posted : 20/07/2023 11:28 pm
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Hello, I am feeling similar to what experienced Kelli. Since the end of June, everything started to be very strange. I am feeling constantly exhausted, melancholic and I have extremely many flashes from the past...can't get rid of them...I feel almost like "swimming in time and space", I feel like I am constantly in a fluid and it is very difficult to focus or clear my mind... I will definitely try some of the advice stated above, thanks for sharing!

Posted : 21/07/2023 4:58 am
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@lighthealer_arkie Thank you for taking the time to share this exercise with me! I will try it today!

Posted : 21/07/2023 5:56 am
Nick Quinn reacted
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@nickq1233 Also, thank you for taking the time to share all of these beautiful practices. I will begin to try them today and report back on how I'm feeling afterwards.

Posted : 21/07/2023 5:58 am
Nick Quinn reacted
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Such a wonderful helpful community here! Thank you again for the suggestions. I'm looking forward to a positive outcome!

Posted : 21/07/2023 6:01 am
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Whenever you feel better, also take a look at this, to maintain your strength


Posted : 21/07/2023 9:44 am
Nick Quinn reacted
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I'm already feeling better thankfully!! I'm so grateful to be able to post here and be surrounded with positive encouragement and support. You guys are awesome! Have a wonderful weekend 🌼 🌺 

Posted : 21/07/2023 11:59 am
Nick Quinn and Anonymous reacted
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Loving everyone's responses for Kelli ❤️. We have the best community of Starseeds here:). Lots of knowledge and love being shared amongst the group. 

Posted : 21/07/2023 12:05 pm
Kelli Eisner reacted