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How to Flip a Planet

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It's So Much EASIER than any of you could possibly imagine.  

But it's so SIMPLE for Me too2 imagine, in so many Ways..., and Do Too2!  ..,then the Military Industrial Complex gave me a $5 Trillion Dollar Military Contract and a Nacht Waffen to do it. 

It's Called "Win Before You Begin" 


Seeking TEN Volunteers to Blitzkrieg social media (Facebook, Instagram and tic tok) by copying and posting a Quentin Tarrintino COOL narrative set comprising of simple INFORMATION pre-provided to you - to blast 1000 times a day to the Western World.  

I'm already doing this with so much more potent success and insane global reach and IMPACT that I ever imagined potently possibly.  Military intelligence Content Is proving to be a terrifyingly Powerful Dispersal of Radiant Light 


The GLOBAL PsyOp over ALL of you is that the annunaki were "acceptable".  When in fact nothing they did was ever morally acceptable at all in the eyes of the Universe.  But because of this Orchestrated false narrative that is primarily being led by CIAs Billy Carson, the global narrative being set now is that these lower 4d annunaki adrenochrome vampires planetary masochists were the glory and technology to be brought back and worshipped again in service to self "do what thou wilt" debauchery and the standard issue satanic ritual abuse that seemed to be in every annunakis and illuminatis collective closets.

With a handful of Cosmic Volunteers we can Flip this Biggest False Narrative ON THE PLANET.  by simply Flipping Human Consciousness back to where it should be WITHOUT the bullshit mass mind Control 


Any takers?

God pays Good👍

Posted : 07/09/2024 6:53 am
Posts: 306
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Light Codes: 513
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Here's an example of just 1 of the 1000s of postings billy carson has to now contend with:


Reality Check

The LOWER 4D annunaki were NOT "powerful". In the Cosmos they were "the weakest". Free Will means We All had to let these insane little primitive inbred bullies run amuck and destroy everything because those were the Rules.

Know that the vast majority of Star Races have Real Technology, Real Weaponry and Real Intelligence far beyond the annunaki who were at the bottom of the barrel of this all.

I'm sure you've heard, duality is over and the Universe is shifting IMMEDIATELY into UnItY - Forever Unity. ENFORCED by Dark Fleet - The Cosmic Military.

All dark operations are Terminated Now. All dominion is SO done.

[Billy] No One Owns the contracts you signed and committed yourselves to. Basically - we own the "people" who own you. And all that's a WRAP - so let's just say no one owns you so consider your contracts and agendas "Non Binding". So you CAN walk away.., or you can stay. It doesn't matter, it all ends the same way.

This isn't your David vs Goliath story

This is the absolutely nothing annunaki who only existed in a small sector of one galaxy.., having to content with Nacht Waffen - the totality Military Might for the  Cosmos.

Think about it

Posted : 07/09/2024 9:05 am