Crystalline DNA activation
Hey EA Tribe:) I wanted to start a conversation about crystalline DNA activation. A lot of starseeds are currently experiencing the Crystalline DNA activations at this time. Changes in the physical, new abilities coming online, trouble sleeping, releasing trauma and shadow work are some examples of what we all may be experiencing as we activate our multidimensional DNA. We find ourselves dealing with new realities and major life changes. Some are going through different situations that are resulting in a shedding of the old energies such as divorce, career changes and so on. Is anyone dealing with things that they need help navigating through? Or do you want to share your experience?
I’ll share some stuff. In the last 3 years, I’ve gotten a divorce and completely changed my life to resonate with the new energies. I went from not knowing what meditation was to meditating several times a day. I’ve experienced subtle changes in my physiology. Weight changes, minor facial changes etc. My appetite has drastically reduced. In the last 4 to 6 months I’ve regained abilities that I had no idea I was capable of. Let’s share our experiences and support each other as we navigate these changes. Feel free to share, ask questions or whatever you feel like posting.:) ❤️
@nickq1233 thank you so much for sharing, Nick!! Meditation helps me to improve my mind against all stress and anxiety. Also, go out on nature and connecting deeply to it. ❤️❤️
@chinchin Awesome. Thanks for sharing that. I totally agree. Meditation 🧘 is so big. And grounding to the crystalline grid by going out in nature. I’m with you 100% on that 🙂 2 of the most important things we can do to stay in line with the multidimensional dna activations. ❤️
@rainyangel Hey Angie. Have you? I bet. You’ve been going to all those sessions too in the group. Talk about super activating and healing. I bet you’re wired at night. I hear you on appetite. I skipped dinner last night. Yes on the eventually. That at some point we won’t need food. Water yes. We’re crystalline at that stage. Fully into Christ consciousness. Earth Angels, Way showers etc. 5th dimensional realty at that stage.
Your third eye frequencies, Haritake and all that is working I take it? With the ears ringing and the ascension symptoms. Totally a thing. You’ll be super sensitive to energies with all the work you’ve put in. It’s tough to be around some people. Sometimes it feels just off a little. All part of it. You got your crystals right? Which ones you clinging to? I’ll grab for my black tourmaline in my left hand and Amethyst in my right hand. With Shungite around my neck, with that same pendulum holder that you have. 🙂
Good on the diet transition. I did the same. Went all plant based at first, as much organic as possible. Then I added in some chicken here and there. Sandra Daniels sent me some good info on muscle testing. Like to test what’s compatible for you diet wise or whatever. She’s a pro at all that I hear. 🙂 Balance with it all, right? It’s a challenge to stay grounded and balanced as your activations are taking off like this. It’s a thing. I see it happening all the time. What you’re experiencing is like the road map for activating. The psychic abilities really get strong. You start healing people, activating people. All that stuff. It’s hard to ground and find balance. That’s where reiki usually helps. Maybe not this week 😉 but typically. Grounding is a huge focus for me. I struggle with that. And rules. I suck at rules. Lol. 🤷♀️
Awesome Angie. Good call on all. I’ve been doing the same. Just chilling in nature, healing ❤️🩹, grounding. I love salt baths now too. Detoxing and healing feels so good. Grounding, balancing and relaxing. Water is such a strong element. Great for purification and catching lower vibrational energies like in a catch jar. That’s awesome you got that reading. Totally happening. The solar flares are coming in and activating our crystalline conversion. Healing, activating, healing , activating. Holding pattern for sure. I view it as a healing ❤️🩹 and development period for us all so that when things are ready we will be ready. 🙂 I can totally see that with the block dissolving. As you come into your balance. It’s tough when you’re receiving ET contact and being activated like your are. Like we’ve talked about, that balance is empowering. I struggle with that personally. Very cool. That reading was great for you. Awesome information. Your angelic protection is solid. I remember when I first met you you angelic guides are trying to get your attention. Loving it all. 🙂 😇 ❤️ 💡