Changes in diet dur...
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Changes in diet during the awakening process

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Hi Everyone,


I wanted to share this to see what others are doing regarding their diet. Things you're ingesting to support the body during the ascension and to help with ascension symptoms. About 2 years ago I got a message to start eating only plant based and natural food and to drink spring water only. I got details as to what has been added to our food and water with the intention of keeping our bodies ill. All the GMO, fluoride and chemicals that make us ill and lower our vibration. Before this I was eating fast food, candy, ice cream, nutter butters etc. for the last couple years I've been eating only organic natural plant based food and spring water. I even tried to grow my own food and went about 2 months eating only what I could grow in the back yard. It's a lot harder than you'd think to try to grow enough food at your house. That didn't last long. They said to eat food of light meaning above ground plants using photosynthesis from the sun and food rooted in the ground such as potatoes etc. Also part of that message was to not eat meat. Something to do with the death involved of the animal. Not sure if it's Karma related or not? They said something like we can't go on their ships with meat in our stomach or we could die or have some sort of ill effect? As for supplements I've been taking Monoatomic gold, Haritake, a mushroom complex, Magnesium and Vitamin D3 with K2. What are your thoughts on diet and supplements that support the body during the ascension? What foods are good and what foods to avoid etc. Also if anyone has suggestions on supplements that would be great. Anything that we can do to help with ascension symptoms and prepare for the transition from carbon based biology to crystalline. Thanks. 

Posted : 04/05/2023 10:52 am
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Sandra Daniels is the best person i know in this group for this, she gets answers from your body reflexes (even remotely), she is mind blowing.

This post was modified 2 years ago by Patrice
Posted : 04/05/2023 11:26 am
Eva and Nick Quinn reacted
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@patricekrysztofiak That's awesome. Thanks Patrice. Hopefully Sandra will chime in. I'll reach out to her if not. I'm super interested in tightening up my diet and supplement regimen. I'm curious what others are doing with their diets as well.

Posted : 04/05/2023 11:40 am
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Hi Nick. I have been eating intuitively for a while now, like EA suggests and does as well.  I have changed to craving more produce, such as eating lots of organic salads and less meat but I do eat some meat.  What I seem to want to eat, I believe, is indeed my body's intelligence making itself known.  And if I really really want something, like chips, that I normally wouldn't eat, I will let myself have it and be very present to enjoy it to the utmost.  Reminds me of EA saying that one could have alcohol and the vibe could be really high (because I am present with it and enjoying it celebrating an awesome week or event) or the vibe could be low (like if I were drinking it from being depressed and trying to escape).  So just follow your own body cues, and if you know muscle testing (like Patrice referenced) you can actually muscle test if your body wants/needs a supplement or not.  I used to take a number of supplements but after I learned muscle testing I would ask my body if I needed the supplement and many times the answer was no.  Related to ascension symptoms, from the energy work I do, I believe some ascension symptoms to arise because our bodies are currently purging inherited energies and also toxins we have accumulated over a lifetime.

Posted : 04/05/2023 4:03 pm
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@s-daniels Thank you for sharing that. I really like how intuitive you are with your own body and nutrition. I want to get better at that. I like how you run things by your own body and you act based on the feedback you get. Supplement wise as well. I'm not there yet but want to get there. So you don't necessarily see an issue with eating meat occasionally? That makes me feel better. I do crave chicken from time to time and it would be nice to get more protein in my diet. Everything you posted is valuable information. Thanks for your contribution.

Posted : 04/05/2023 4:25 pm
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Thanks to Patrice and Sandra. I'm researching muscle testing. To get more in tuned with my specific nutrition and supplements needs. Great information. Thanks again.

Posted : 04/05/2023 4:29 pm
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Hey Nick.  For a while I really wanted to move away from meat but I couldn't seem to find other ways of eating that worked for my body.  Then my guides told me that my body is not one that does well without some meat, and that made sense and I felt less guilty.  Once I realized that plants have consciousness too I wondered where that left me - I landed on the fact that whether plant or animal what feels important to me is to respect that life that gave me nourishment, and to aim to support local, organic and naturally grown or humanely-raised meat.  This summer I plan on joining a local organic produce delivery from a nearby farm; I haven't the finances yet to do the same for meat but that is my next step.  Everyone is different; trust what feels right for you.  If you want to muscle test whether you need a supplement the sway test is quite easy to learn.  You can Google it or find it, along with other ways to muscle test, in The Emotion Code by Bradley Nelson - there is a free pdf of the book online.  Once you learn muscle testing it will change your life and empower you to know what is good for your body.  It's amazing!!

Posted : 04/05/2023 4:39 pm
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@s-daniels So cool. I feel you on the eating things that have consciousness. Really cool that your guides gave you that information about meat. I can see how we may need meat from time to time to provide our bodies with everything needed. Everyone having their own specific requirements. Loving the organic delivery. I dove into agriculture and I learned how to grow my own organic food. I have romaine lettuce, broccoli, watermelon, russet potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots and squash going right now. It's so much more difficult than I thought it would be to grow my own food. I'm into it though and its another reason to force me outside. Thanks for the book referral. I'm going to grab that pdf tonight to start studying.

Posted : 04/05/2023 4:56 pm
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So impressed you are growing your own food Nick!  Fantastic.  I thought about it but then I would have to convert all my perennial gardens so opt to support a local grower. If you lived near I would totally buy from you!! 🙂

Posted : 04/05/2023 5:01 pm
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Found this video online thanks to the information Sandra provided. Awesome, Dr Nelson shows how to muscle test in a video. Wanted to post the link to the video if anyone else reading this post wants to try it.  

Posted : 04/05/2023 5:04 pm
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@s-daniels Trying to grow my own food I should clarify, lol. I'm no expert. I have a long way to go but working on it. I'm growing some edible food right now. That's a win for me. I thought I was cursed at first. Whatever the opposite is of a green thumb. Ha ha. I have 5 small gardens in my backyard just where ever I could fit the space. It's been cool to have my son experience the whole plant evolution from a seed to the dinner table. That's a bigger win in my book. The neighbors kids too, I have awesome neighbors. If I had an organic farm close by id be buying my food there. It's way easier and they have the green houses and everything to do it in volume which is cool.

Posted : 04/05/2023 5:21 pm
s.daniels reacted
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There is no 1 for all rule regarding meat, people i know and  have received many messages regarding this, sometimes some people get a clear "no pork", but "beef is ok".  Sometimes "chicken is ok, but no other meats".  

My story :  I was showed full HD movie of a slaughter house and the full process, from the killing to the "cows and butcher ascencion" . It was very powerful and slightly disturbing at first because i didn't understand why they were showing me this ( this was a long "video" , it lasted maybe 1 minute ) , but then after the ascension process of the cow, they showed me that they (cows and butcher) became "super happy" , they actually came to help us and feed us. They are absolute heroes, they chose to do this, this was a mind blowing revelation for me. (not that i'm going to eat more meat because they are heroes, i reduced my consumption by a lot too , i used to be a huge meat eater, meat and potatoes are part of my cultural inheritance ).

until the full shift happens, it's not going to be instant, we'll still need slaughter houses for a while, until they come up with a different system to provide us with energy ( that is, adaptating our bodies , and maybe new technologies such as 3D printed meat ).



Posted : 05/05/2023 12:32 am
Nick Quinn reacted
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@patricekrysztofiak Awesome info. Thanks Patrice. I think I'm going to add a little chicken back into my diet. When I crave it. I've been craving chicken salads and chicken wraps. Every once in a while I'll go to Chick Fil a and get a grilled chicken veggie wrap and I was feeling guilty after, lol. If I work out I've been restricted to plant based protein shakes for protein and recovery but now I'll supplement with some chicken. I really appreciate the different perspectives.

Posted : 05/05/2023 6:51 am