Ascension- shifting timelines
So a bit of a background - I’ve been in a situation with my family about something and a process through which they wanted me to settle down for almost 3.5 years now. Giving a process aka arrange marriage process a fair chance I’ve reached a conclusion that it’s not for me. It makes me feel trapped, restricted and it’s not aligned to me. Having communicated that and consciously choosing a higher timeline for me there are fears that are popping up , anxieties when something related to that comes up - and even when I’m making a different choice and standing in my power this time I feel kinda scared , out of my element maybe a bit of guilt and fear as well. Although I’m bouncing back from this by catching myself but is it supposed to be like this? Changing your timeline- the fear of going back sometimes popping in, things from the older timeline still turning up ( although I’m not falling back into the trap). I’m also distancing myself from my family members because they want me to do things that feels so unaligned , behave a certain way that suits them etc and that too sometimes I feel guilty about - but being in their company and having such conversations again and again makes me feel anxious and like I can’t get through them- tried though.
How do I anchor into this new timeline and version properly?