I had two accidents in a row. the first I cut my thumb and cut my tendon. Ive had had an operation and couldn't work for six weeks and was handicap. im a single mom. after this was better, not good, just better, (for 5 days!) I had a bicycle accident and broke my index finger left. again operation, had to fix it with wires. then complications and now even more restricted. my mind was searching for the reasons, think I found the "topics" to this injuries. I worked on them for many years, It feels like a completion, like a final purge...
My question is now: Is there more to this? did anyone experienced similar?
Much of love Anna
@a-3 Sending you so much healing Love dear Anna. Yes this happens from time to time, must be contracted. I've had similar "accidents" about 5 yrs ago. They are putting you on the right time line, I believe. Intended to get you out of the 3D tempo, and ask these questions like you do here. I believe they have ascension purpose.
Hi arkie. Thank you. Its a good point… did in your life things changed after those accidents?
@a-3 Just sharing I think these are definitely valid questions. Lately, I haven't been seriously injured, but I have had times when a few physical incidents happen close together. I agree with you in that there are reasons behind your incidents. I would love to find out more - for you and for myself. Thank you for sharing and for bringing this up.
@elise-2 i would also love to find out more. I went into psychosomatik and found the same themes i was working on for years. Such as willpower, practical action and control. Also setting boundaries self-assertion. Those i learened over the past years. For me its like a final thing. To strengthen the work i did in the emotional body into the physical.
it would be good to get sone validation. But i dont know how…
@a-3 Yes every accident contains messages from the higher self. Even the location, the time, the astrological constellation, the affected body parts... like you want to explain a dream, and you look up the meaning! That's the way how. Or the spot on your body that tells everything. Like left or right, which acupuncture line, etc. Most messages are subtle.
If an accident is in your car in the road for instance, the road represents your "life path". The speed is too quick or wrong directed. So many possibilities. But together we can work it out. Everybody here knows a piece of the puzzle. Just ask.