Who and Where
Who we are is where we are going. Who we are is where we go, etc. 🫡
That’s all I have to say.
While I’m at it, I will add more.
So y’all know how twins come from the same parent(s), but they come out with their own personalities? Well I was thinking about why can’t we all just get along? Like if WE ALL come from the SAME SOURCE, then why are we harming each other? A lightbulb came on and I reckon that we came from the same source undoubtedly, but we each have our own personality. We are each a unique part of Source Itself. Like EA said, if everything was light or even dark, then there would be no existence. Some of us are more self aware and connected to Source than others. Reading EA’s book, I can see how brain washed I’ve been from school and religion and government; and, I wouldn’t say that we all have original sin, which is what we are all lead to believe. Adam and Eve were not self aware and connected to Source. Is that sin? No that’s just foolishness, separation, ignorance, and illusion/delusion. We each are our Youniverse among a Universe. It’s always been that way. God wasn’t just Source by itself because it was its own Youniverse as well. I dare say all is just my opinion, but I had a profound conversation with a good friend of mine and combining reading EA’s book thus far, it made me think about some things. Peace and love for All for Real ❤️
@whoisnowhere why we humans hurt each other? Because we think we are separated. We are brainwashed to think so. The opposite is true. We are one, and the "other" is an aspect of you, even a mirror sometimes. If you are aware of that you will never want to hurt someone on purpose. Indigenous people have less problems with that. They know even more: that we are also one with Nature. Thanks to EA we know that we are one with everything that exists, even the dark. That my friend is so beautiful.
@lighthealer_arkie Absolutely! Thank you for the comment 🕺😊