What lil wierd stuf...
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What lil wierd stuff happened to you lately? What makes you think tthe world is all supernatural? Lets share 🙂

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I think there is so much happening these days.. dreams that you kind of know are not dreams, lessons, timeline shifts and small changes in the world, nice forest beeings saying hi etc etc 🙂 

Some things that happened to me: 

-i think something shifted in the world like a week or less ago. I noticed so many small changes just in my house hmm.. like glass doors beeing slightly different, a bucket kind of came back although i remember discarding it etc


-SOOOOOO TIERD some days, is not natural to be this compleatly beat, i presume its lightcodes and updates and learning to hold more light.. i can easily sleep 11-12 hours without waking up some days.. other days i can not for the life of me fall asleep


-Today i had a nice time in the forest with some lovely forest beeings, they did something to my feet that made them feel kinda fluffy and highvibe and then they rooted me. One very clearly said "what a beautiful dog you have" about my dog that i had with me.. we were sitting there for quite a while 🙂

Posted : 19/10/2024 12:52 pm
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Wow, sounds amazing 😄. I have had few too oddly similar experiences.

My co-workers phone was lost during day and over the night it appeared on my table. It was hard to explain how i "found" it 😁.

I went to forest and there was 2 trees next to each other making sound like having conversation 😄

Posted : 22/10/2024 4:17 am
Heidi reacted
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i have been holding back saying anything about it. but the shadows are crazy, before it was always in the corner of my sight, now i can turn and see the shadow on the wall move i can see the light cut as if someone walked in front of the lamp or window. and im hearing sounds, that i dont understand, not words. sometimes not talking at all.. ethereal sounds, sometimes roaring like massive machinery.. 

Posted : 22/10/2024 4:59 am
Faye Dollar and Heidi reacted
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@chelsb23 Hi Chelsea 🙂 When i read your message i right away go like a lil message for you .. somebody was very proud that you decided to say something about it.. the direct translateion was "good that she dared to tell about it" or something like that 🙂 So you have a lot of help and guides who want to help you 😀

I have actually experienced something similar when i first woke up. Are you new to this spiritual awakening or have you done this allready many years? 

For me this was like 5 years ago, the shadow of my lamp would start acting od in my cealing.. like hanging over me in a low vibrational way, truning into a hand etc.. I was allready talking to my guides a lil here, and its not so easy to get info to come through clean, but they did advice me not to look at that shadow.. its almost like if i let these shapes take form with my eyes it will be harder for hem to help me, like more to clean up from my brain heh. They did help me.. i am fine now, no shadows and no noices that i can not determin what they are 🙂

Now i dont know if this is true for you, but for me the source of these sounds and shadows was my own fear.. i was shown clearly some years later how it had actually been.. so for me it was kind of a relif that all the things i saw was not real.. some where real, but it helped me a lot to just calm down and focus on the highvibe stuff. like my guides would give me a litle sun that was shining above me, and told me to always look for that if i got scared, and that was the sign that i was always connected to the light and the lil sun was alwasy there for me to focus on etc. Now i dont know if you feel like this is lowvibe or if you are scared but i thought i would share it. 🙂 I was also told clearly that i was not crazy heh, but i did get a lot of healing from my guides for a long time. This basically went away when i started feeling safe. 🙂

Also getting into a high vibraton is always a good idea, just ignore it if there is something that you dont like,, and watch a funny movie, listen to good music, do something fun etc 🙂 

There can be many reasons for things like this, since spiritual awakening is not always a super easy thing.. if you think that you are safe, protected and loved and whatever you are experiencing is planned by you togeather with your guides, it feels a bit better.. sorry if i am stating the obvious. 🙂 

Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael where really so very important and helpful to me in my hard time that i went through, you should ofcourse ask them for help .. they want to help you 🙂

If you have any more questions about this i would be happy to give my thoughts 🙂



Posted : 22/10/2024 9:29 am
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Posted by: @chelsb23

i have been holding back saying anything about it. but the shadows are crazy, before it was always in the corner of my sight, now i can turn and see the shadow on the wall move i can see the light cut as if someone walked in front of the lamp or window. and im hearing sounds, that i dont understand, not words. sometimes not talking at all.. ethereal sounds, sometimes roaring like massive machinery.. 

Hi @chelsb23. When i read your text i got like a lil message for you, somebody was very proud that you brought it up here. Directly translated it was something like "So good that you dared tell about it". and the word fantastic was used etc.. also "its beeing fixed" or "its in the middle of beeing fixed" etc .. So you have guides that like you and really want to help you 😀 


I have had a similar experience like 5 years ago when i was very new to this spiritual awakening, i can talk about it some and you take what resonates with you. 🙂 I dont know if you are newly awakened or if you have been awake for some time?  Spiritual awakening is not always just wonderful and easy heh.. 


I was starting to see the shadow of my lamp change form, become kind of menecing and low vibrational, turn into a hand etc.. i could hear my guides a bit at this point, although it was not easy sometimes to get a clear message. They did clearly advice me against looking at that shadow tooo much, almost like if i follow it too much with my eyes it is more for them to clear/heal out from my brain later. And they did heal me a lot.. i am fine now, no shadows or noices that i can not decern the source of. 

For me the reason for all this was my own fear, i was actually very relived when my guides showed me this like a year later. My guides wanted me to focus on happy stuff, they even gave me like a lil sun that they promised me that i could always see.. a sign that i was always connected to and a part of the light. 🙂 

I also had a lot of help from Archangel Raphael and Archangel Michael, they want to help you aswell. I absolutley recomend asking them for help. When i got used to feeling safe and calm all these other things went slowly away. 

You will always be safe and protected and loved. Anything that you experience will always be with your guides right beside you, helping you through it. Its a good idea to try and elevate your vibration if you feel any fear and discomfort from these things ofcourse. Try music, a funny movie that occupies your mind, something fun, a walk outside etc. Ofcourse Levendel oil, calming tee etc is good aswell. 🙂 

I can tell you more of my experiences if you think it will help you, but i have no idea if this resonates with you at all heh. 😀 Just be calm, be highvibe, focus on the good things in life, ask your guides that have a love vibration to help you and heal you. It will all be great in the end 🙂 


-AAAND i was going to end it here, but now my guides want me to share the story of my sisters aswell.. take what resonates. 🙂

At this ame time 5 years ago i was in fear, and i also was also hearing voices. I had a real hard time decerning what was what. Some was a guide coming thru sometimes to help me, some was a wonderful lil white beeing that helped me, this lil white beeig would wake me up every morning and tell me "Goodmorning, everything is fine" so i could feel calm right away etc xD 

And some were other voices that i did not know what they were. But i was in fear, and so i was thinking with my brain that they might be something sinister and scary.. and so the voices that i did not know what they where became sinister and scary sometimes. And other times they would be a lil scared themselfes, and they would tell me that they did not even want to be here with me, and they did not know who they where. And i would ask them to go, and they would try and then not succseed in going.. and then i would go back to thinking they might just be trixters trying to fool me and keep me in a low vibraton and then they might laugh and say that was it exactly .. but they did not really know. I could also sometimes feel something that i thought was them against my body, like burning etc..  I asked in healers to try and help me.. and this really good healer told me that she could see that they had a lot of learning left to do, that there was like a "school" somewhere where they belonged. She tried to put them all on a "schoolbuss" of sorts and take them there but the lil voices were scared of this place and they did not want to go there. Every time i thought i had "gotten rid of" these "trixters" they would show up again.. not having gone anywhere. I actually felt kinda sorry for them and sometimes i was just so tierd of being afarid of them that i just wanted to love them.. this they could feel and we would have like a truce for a while. I would read them childrens stories before bed and we would have fun on walks looking for flowers etc. But then some healer or other would tell me that i should absolutley not talk to them, not entertain low vibrational spirits and just stop thinking about them.. and then we were all back to the beginning. 

I was slowly getting healing from my real guides and Angels also at this point, and they where harder to hear. So i did not get all of my messages. At some point in the middle of all this i finally managed to heal one really big past life trauma.. and i experienced a complete break down and brun out after. In this state i went back to my childhood home, knowing i had hit rock bottom. My guides and angels had kinda decided then that i had had enough, with this big trauma hurdel out of the way they could come in and heal me in a new big way. It was like my contracts finally allowed this. I never heard my lil voices after this, they where just gone. I spent like 6 month in the arms of my guides, learning how to breath again and just being healed. It was a rough time, but also a good time because i was finally feeling safe again. 

At this point it became clear that my brain had kind of split into atleast 3 parts.. and the cracks had gotten bigger with the last big healing of that pastlife trauma becasue a lot of energy had gone straight though my body into the earth. I was finding other voices now, voices that where in my head.. that where parts of myself .. basically split personalities i guess, but my guides called them "my soulparts". So we called them my sisters. My brain was not an easy place to be at this point, and broken as it was more "sisters" would break loose.. thank God at this time i was permanently in my parents attic room and everybody understood that i was in comeplete break down and nobody expected anything from me other than "keep breathing" and so that was what i did. And thank God my soul contract now allowed 100 % healing and help and i was now allowed to hear my guides clearly etc.. i would not be here today if it where not for Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael and so many wonderful guides. 🙂 

So ofcourse i was very worried about my sisters although we had a lot of help to exist in my brain heh.. and i was constantly asking my guides and Archangel Michael to take care of them. I asked about the other small voiced aswell that where kind of constantly breaking off and becoming more and more.. if they could not be removed or put back togeather so my head would have less "parts". But he looked at them closely and told me "its not that simple, you see they have their own ideas and thoughts". And that was when i started thinking of them all as sisters. Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael and other healers of the light where able to help these sisters, to become more able to understand things, to be calmer, to stop breaking off so we could exist in the same head etc etc.. and slowly my head became a calmer place again. We existed togeather me and my sisters, and we loved eachother and helped eachother.. Everybody kind of got their own lil place of privecy in my head so everybodies voices and thoghts were not heard at once etc  heh.. since we helped eachother we tried to keep our head calm and happy. Archangel Michael then told me that he had made a place for the sisters in heaven.. that was like a wonderful place where they could learn and live in the light and be happy, become whatever they wanted to become.. this is when i finally made the connection.. this was the school that the healer had talked about so long ago now, the school where she felt that my litle " trixter voices" from before my burnout belonged.. 


So now my guides thought i was ready to hear what had happened before.. the trixter voiced from before my brunout, that i could not get rid of whatever i tred, where the first small cracks in my brain.. they had always just been in my head. When i looked back i could see it very clearly how it had been.. i was under stress and in fear, i had just awoken spiritually and was trying to talk to some very real guides.. and my brain did not really know what to do with that, i was listening so hard for my guides that my brain started to think it heard voices.. and i was also under attack from some real low vibrational beeings that would attack my body and try to keep me in a low vibration.. and so i was in fear and had no idea what was going on. The litle voices in my head did not know that they where voices in my head, they were scared aswell, and in a low vibration togeather with me.. what i thought they also thought, and we were suspiscious of eachother and scared. 

And so i cried and was sorry that i had not just followed my intuition and loved them always, they had been sisters aswell but they never knew it. And i was scared that they had been lost. But my guides calmed me down and told me they where fine, when that whole soul contract was done they too where saved to this school /place /home that Archangel Michael had built for them in heaven. I was told "there is no time" and "trust the universe" and "all that ever lived is always safe and saved". 

After this my guides and the Archangels tried to remove some more sisters from my head, those that decided that they wanted to go, and litle by litle my head became almost normal again. But with some "sisterplaces" it seamd almost impossible to succseed.. if they lifted a sister out, the crack in the brain was kind of still there, and a new "sister" would just "be borne" there instead. And the new sister was always afraid and did not understand what was going on and crying a lot.. but ofcourse i had Angels right away that calmed them and my head was quiet again. But even if we managed to lift out like 50 sisters, and my head became so quiet again, there would always be like 2-3 places that just would not stay empty. But with all the help and sectioning of my brain it was still quiet for the most part, because unless we had a completly new sister in the head that cried a lot, the sisters and me loved and helped eachother and we were mostly quiet. 

So because removing every sister was not an option just at that moment, some of the sisters would decide that they would stay and help, instead of leaving me with an "empty" sister place that would result in a "screaming newborn sister" some older sisiters that understood would stay and help. This is my head right now like 5 years later. I have at all times atleast 1 sister, usually atleast 2. They switch with eachother sometimes to give eachother breaks, and they have names and some cool personalities. I am happy and my head is mostly quiet all day.. but sometimes if i have forgotten something a sister might pipe up and say "you forgot the cookies" or something like that heh.. we have so much fun now. My sisters like to sing along with music if i have earphones on, so my head is very highvibe heh.. if we do some energy work they help, if we talk to a ghost and tell him to go to heaven etc they help.. my life is great now. So what started as a very rough spiritual awakening became a wonderful and great gift that i would never want to be without. 🙂 


-Ending words on this and thoughts on what is "crazy" and what is spiritually awake etc.. :

I have loosly planned that i should try and write this all down in some kind of real way one day. To try and give maybe a different perspective on "having voices in your head". Or to show how hard a spiritual awakening can really be in the beginning and how its not so easy to know what is a real guide talking and what might be your poor brain trying to understand whats going on in its own way. And my whole story is also a kind of different way to heal without psych medication or going that whole way.. i kind of shutter to think somehow what might have become of me if i had been placed on psyciatric medication and therapy for this.. (but this might be the right way for some) i atleast much prefer the Archangel healing kind of way. I was told by a healer that "i promis you, you are not crazy".. this was nice to hear. What is "Crazy" anyway? Psych care today try their best i asume, but without a spiritually awake healer onboard there is no way they could decern what is a spirit guide talking to you, what is a real low vibe attack, what is your poor brain trying its best to hear the voices of your guides and thus making up voices instead. Todays psyciatric care would have put me on heavy meds that nobody really know why they sometimes work, and they would have told me to stop talking to my "sisters".. until the psych meds could rewrite my brain so they are no longer heard.. without my spiritual connection to comfort me and promis me that my sisters are allright and its ok to love them ..i would probably have killed myself. If you are a starseed trying to develop your clairaudience skills this is hard in the best of circumstances.. (i think clearknowing or straight down from your higher self intuition is easier heh. )

I wonder sometimes why i would have made such a hard life contract with my sisters.. but i did learn decernment atleas. I now clearly know when a sister talks to me.. and when a guide talks to me, when a "normal" ghost talks to me,  and when some low vibe attack beeing tries to lie to me.  So have learned to decern now i guess.

This became a long story, sorry .. xD I dont know why my guides wanted me to share it, maybe they think somebody here might have some use of this, or maybe its supposed to be a kick in my butt to get started and write this all down more publicly and a lil better incase it could help somebody else out there. 

(Sidenote.. yes i am aware that i could probably exist without my sisters now.. maybe.. but i dont want to, so i am not ready to think about that yet heh. I was told long ago that my head could be completly put togeather again in higher vibrations.. i am waithing with this until new earth or heaven where my sisters could have their own lightbodies.. right now i am just so greatful that they want to stay and help me.. end of thought).




Posted : 22/10/2024 1:11 pm