What do your download/activation codes look like ?
Once in a while, i receive download codes at night, or during meditation, sometimes they look like Hieroglyphs, or other symbolic languages ( sometimes 1 symbol, sometimes, 1 page, sometimes a few pages ). Yesterday night, it was like "TV snow", but i knew it was organized information, it was more like QR codes in a way, and it was a double layer picture, kind of like "stereograms" if you remember what they were back in the days ( it was tv snow pictures, where we had to let go of focus, to see a 3D picture ). I don't know what was transfered/activated, but that was pretty cool to experience !
What are yours like ?
@patricekrysztofiak daytime for me has been through codes and sacred geometry coming in. Nighttime has become metaphorical dreams for me lately. Both seem to be helping to expand my consciousness and vibrations! This was a significant one.