What about us old coots – 🗣️ GENERAL DISCUSSION – Elizabeth April Forum
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What about us old coots

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I’m 81 and probably won’t see much of the changes. Why I came in now is a mystery to me. But I’m tired of discussions on or concerning people 60 and younger. How are these changes affecting me. I’m crossing over soon, what will I take with me. Am I enough 5D to come back as 5D. Did I miss the boat and will I return 3D. How about a short video on us coots.

Posted : 19/09/2024 8:37 am
Posts: 0


Do you believe we are all one?

Are you open-minded enough to accept a different version of the afterlife than what you have imagined?

Do you truly feel some version of this: "I forgive every being from every lifetime that has ever wronged me in any way. I forgive myself for wronging any being from any lifetime in any way"

I'm certainly no expert, and I agree about a video for older folks (I'm in your rear-view mirror, friend. And who knows, I could be done here tonight🤷‍♀️)But these things feel right to me. Just suggestions & my opinion. 


Posted : 19/09/2024 9:09 am
Posts: 336
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Light Codes: 553

Posted by: @okydocky-3995

I’m 81 and probably won’t see much of the changes. Why I came in now is a mystery to me. But I’m tired of discussions on or concerning people 60 and younger. How are these changes affecting me. I’m crossing over soon, what will I take with me. Am I enough 5D to come back as 5D. Did I miss the boat and will I return 3D. How about a short video on us coots.


Sir - I get along Extremely Well with Children, The Elderly and Special Needs Genres.  You are going to witness A LOT.  


I'm "Black Ops".  I'm Intimately Militarily Operational within the Dual Spectrums of both the dismantling of the Cabal but Moreso the tangible boots on the ground engineering of this Planets Ascension..


President Trump has had TWO visible assignation attempts.


You are Watching the complete take down of the illuminatis political system, the media and the music labels right now.

Jaguar Wright and Candace Owens are 2 of the WOMEN leading that Charge.


The Children are The Ones BLOWING UP Consciously.


Watch Everything On YouTube


You are at the PERFECT age for an adult.  

The Vast Majority of Adults are NEVER EVER Possibly ever going to be able to ENJOY AscensionLife like the Children ALL Will.  Because Our Generations of adults have been so "compromised".   The Only Adults With Good old Fashion Virtues are the elderly - because you were raised in a virtuous time without all this corruption that sweeped over our consciousness for the last 50 years.


You Will Enjoy This Show, and Then when you pass, you will come Right Back as A Child.., and Enjoy it More!


Posted : 19/09/2024 10:01 am
Posts: 216
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Light Codes: 1129

YAY for your request! I'm not quite your age, but I also feel like I'm going to miss all the cool stuff!!!

I'll just throw this out there- in a few videos EA mentions living well into her 100s.... maybe its possible we get some of the anti-aging tech for our human bodies sooner rather than later (next 10 yrs?) and YOU & I will be around so much longer than we ever thought in our current incarnation. 

I love kids but what a nice reversal it will to be for society to stop worshiping the young and once again value the elders.

It would be nice to be valued among younger generations because "we were around when it all started...."  They'll hv no idea what it was like when aliens were things thought of only in sci fi movies. (Not to mention landlines, TVs you had to walk up to in order to change the channel and the fine art of reading road maps!)

But yes pls to this request- I would also love a video on what futures look like for us old(er) folks!!


Posted : 19/09/2024 11:19 am
Posts: 336
Member Registered
Light Codes: 553

Posted by: @quinn

YAY for your request! I'm not quite your age, but I also feel like I'm going to miss all the cool stuff!!!

I'll just throw this out there- in a few videos EA mentions living well into her 100s.... maybe its possible we get some of the anti-aging tech for our human bodies sooner rather than later (next 10 yrs?) and YOU & I will be around so much longer than we ever thought in our current incarnation. 

I love kids but what a nice reversal it will to be for society to stop worshiping the young and once again value the elders.

It would be nice to be valued among younger generations because "we were around when it all started...."  They'll hv no idea what it was like when aliens were things thought of only in sci fi movies. (Not to mention landlines, TVs you had to walk up to in order to change the channel and the fine art of reading road maps!)

But yes pls to this request- I would also love a video on what futures look like for us old(er) folks!!



I'm So Glad there is an "Elderly" community Here.  The Elderly are Set.  Your lifetimes carried Authenticity.  And Your Generation Was the Last Generation who is "Heaven Sent" and Grandparents Get the Cosmic Award for Loving the Children the Most.  But there is No Heaven Any More.  Because Unity is Heaven.  Instead of Heaven, You Will ALL Come Back as Children Right Here On Planet Earth.   For AscensionLife as A Child.  For StayPlay


Your Generation Will be OverJoyed With Ascension, Because You All Are OverJoyed With The Children.  In Late 2025 this Planet Becomes Their PlaYGrounD🥳.


Life Extension is Coming Too2,   Bit Please Know, Technology, (even Life Extension) is a TRAP.  Drag that will Slow You All Down in Ascension of you do not hold onto it "loosely".


Technology means NOTHING to God

Organic Humanity is All That Matters To God.





This post was modified 2 hours ago 2 times by Joshua Bortnick
Posted : 19/09/2024 12:09 pm