Weird Scratch Marks
Don’t know what else to title this, because I have a question I want to pose to anyone willing to offer some feedback. My entire life I have experienced this weird thing; in which I wake up with distinct scratch marks, as if from a hand, but in places my own hand couldn’t possibly reach, like on my back, or at some impossible angle, plus, I am an artist, and keep my nails so short, I couldn’t break the skin if I tried. As a kid, I bit my fingernails (you knowm Starseed early childhood anxiety stuff). These marks break the skin, but no blood, for some odd reason, I was perplexed by these marks, but never terribly bothered. It literally just occurred to me, the other day, like a big light going off in my brain, like WTF? Like, why on earth wouldn’t this have alarmed me? For 30+ years? I’m Gen X. We think highly of Millennials and Gen Z, by the way (I was a fine arts prof for years, and know these generations so well) Well, anyway, I would say it occurs, once every few years. Since childhood. I’m fiftyfuckingthree, like why is this just now hitting me, like a ton of bricks? Oh, let me recommend some music while I’m at it, Jon Gravy “Golden Hour” and BRMC, and of course the Pixies.
@djfeathers70 Oh I love Golden Hour too❤️
There was someone else with unexplained scratches in this forum as i remember well.
Nail biting is suppressed aggression. You want to fight, but you won't let yourself. Or your parents or Society forbid you to do it. So let it out! Buy a boxing ball!
@swoserin stressed out in school, so overwhelmed, I guess. I don’t do it anymore. But school was a nightmare for me, internally. So shy, all the people….uggghh
@lighthealer_arkie that was years ago, I only referenced this, because it would have been impossible for my own nails to have created the marks, simply because I bit them off. Not anymore, but I agree. It was just such an overwhelming experience for me, for whatever reason. Just overwhelmed by all the energy I think.
@djfeathers70 my husband has gotten scratch marks on his body for years too. He calls them phantom scratches. I had a session with Sharma and she looked into it. She said it's a deceased family member of his, like an ancestor that wants a body. So Sharma could look into the energy of it for you to see what is going on. She also removed some energy from me and him and taught me how to do it going forward.
@wingnut77 wow, thank you so much for this insight. Geez, I mean, it is just so weird
@swoserin same with me; my parents had a tough time with my older sister as well, and I felt the same way - I didn’t want to add to that burden. So, I too internalized the anxiety, for the most part, with the one exception of biting my nails. Very interesting. What a great community of people in Elizabeth’s forum. She attracts some very beautiful humans into her sphere.