Watching the mind watch the body
EA mentioned that she can watch the mind watching the body? Can anyone else do this? I would LOVE to do this, but can't. Can anyone else explain how to do this or what might happen if you're close to being able to do this?
Excuse me as I’m not gifted. But your question seems to be in my wheelhouse.
The mind is the soul consciousness. As opposed to the ego brain thinking fear and guilt.
When we go 5D the soul will come forward and the mind will become more exposed.
Right now the mind watches the body and is seldom visible to us as its part of the subconscious.
There will come a time when the mind will be exposed to the ego and we will all have access.
The body does not exist in actuality. It’s a construct to show us form. We are experiencing what is not God.
Now this is my understanding it seems we asked the question what would it be like if God did not exist the answer is this, hell.
Hope that helps.