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Was the crazy lady on a plane really crazy?

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I was wondering if you saw the viral TikTok of the lady who was clearly afraid and who exited the plane. She said something like, "That guy isn't real" before she left the plane. When she says, "He's not real, it makes me wonder if she might've encountered some kind of Reptilian shapeshifter or extraterrestrial being.


Do you think she might've encountered a Reptilian on the plane? Do you know how Reptilians are able to shapeshift?


Is it true that there are Reptilians living in underground bases on Earth? Do the Reptilians play a role in guiding human evolution?


I get the sense that she might've encountered an extraterrestrial on the plane. It seems no one has heard from her since the incident.

Posted : 07/07/2023 11:48 pm
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Saw some joke that it was Mark Zuckerberg. Lol we all know he wouldn’t fly commercial but was still funny. Elon’s husk would also create the same reaction as well.


Edit- I agree that she must have seen something that she shouldn’t have. Likely reptilian as they are known to shapeshift. It is believed that when you have a high enough vibration you are able to see through the illusion. Unfortunately for her she lost her shit and couldn’t keep it together, likely because she had no prior knowledge of their existence. Regardless, she will now be branded as mentally ill.

This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by kenjenk1358
Posted : 08/07/2023 3:45 am
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You should try the Astral Travel/Remove viewing class from EA  : https://elizabethapril.com/product/astral-travel-live-workshop/

You'd be able to remote view what happened ( in remote viewing, space and time don't exist, you can go back to see any event you like, easier said than done though ).

Note for that remote viewing for this kind of stuff that i call "tourism", is way harder than educational travel/health related issue/greater good.

You always will get help to reach a quick astral travel from "guides" when it's to help for the greater good.


Posted : 08/07/2023 3:51 am
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@patricekrysztofiak EA has posted a video about Reptilians on her YouTube page, which I watched and found to be interesting. I'll link it below.


There are still so many questions about Reptilians that I have, but I don't know if anyone has the answers. I don't know how they're able to shapeshift, if they're still living in underground bases on Earth, what their intentions might be, etc.


The whole shapeshifting concept is hard for me to believe. I don't really see how someone can go from being a Reptilian to a human instantaneously. Of course, I'm not even sure if that's how shapeshifting works.


When I saw this TikTok, the lady was clearly very afraid of something and she kept shouting, "That guy isn't real," which makes me think she might've interacted with an entity that wasn't fully human. She was clearly very alarmed and I don't think it had to do with her being under the influence. She exited the plane and I don't think anyone has heard from her since the incident.


I was hoping this topic would garner more conversation, but I realize people will have no idea what I'm talking about unless they've seen the TikTok video. 🙂


EA's video on Reptilians:


Posted : 08/07/2023 5:06 pm
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Well, i don't really like to talk about the reptilian subject, i've seen some, but for most of them they are just "overlays" on a "regular person". Basically then can take over a soul and the person becomes a puppet of darker thoughts and actions. During meditation, I've also seen a "real one" (holographic form) trying to scare me i suppose, but that didn't work, then he said "who the fuck are you?" and he vanished.

This is the type of overlay I remove in my sessions (people convulse etc ) , i just don't tell them what is going on. Then their life changes instantly (litteraly within minutes or hours).

So all the reptilians/negative people you see are actually not reptilian, they have been "captured" if we can say it like this. But slowly the matrix is being dismantled, because this overlay is not sustainable for the original soul. You have to look beyond the veil and really see the real soul. They just can not stand happy/nice people, that breaks the overlay naturally, but it's a long life process, we need more field work, just smiling in the street works!

Posted : 08/07/2023 10:26 pm
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@patricekrysztofiak Could you elaborate more on what the matrix is? Also, is the Earth in the process of moving to the 4th dimension, and how does that process work?

Posted : 08/07/2023 10:39 pm
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Matrix = 3D world. If you are lucky enough, you'll be able to see it one day. I was fortunate to be able to see that everything is "vector art" while I was meditating a lot ( i used to meditate 3-5 hours a day 2 years ago ). And one day I touched my computer and i saw the "matrix", i saw all the particles of matter separate, i could see the void between the molecules etc.. ), that day it hit me in the face that everything is "fake", it was an evidence, it was more than reading a scientific document, it was experiencing it.  Yet it still hurts me if I smash my pinky toe in the corner of the table leg  😀  

If you have done shamanic medicinal plants the right way (with guidance) this realm of "seeing the veil" is accessible very fast. (disclaimer *might be illegal in your country, check your regulations).

Posted : 08/07/2023 10:45 pm
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@patricekrysztofiak I get the sense that the Galactic Federation of Worlds is attempting to assist Earth in its shift from the 3rd dimension to the 4th dimension. However, I think the Galactic Federation of Worlds isn't allowed to interfere with the Earth, and so I don't know how they'd be able to move us into a new dimension if they can't intervene. I also don't know how long we'd be in the 4th dimension before being able to move into the 5th dimension.

Posted : 08/07/2023 10:53 pm
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We're already in 4D (elastic time, sometimes you feel like you drive in 120fps for example, or that 20mn are missing), and some zones in 5D.  I've experienced 5D many times (not in France yet, but in other parts of the world yes ). It's an amazing feeling.

Posted : 08/07/2023 10:55 pm
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@patricekrysztofiak I saw a video on the Gaia YouTube channel of someone who's claiming to be channeling a Pleiadian extraterrestrial, and this extraterrestrial talks about how the Galactic Federation of Worlds is trying to move the Earth into the 5th dimension. The Gaia YouTube channel has videos dealing with extraterrestrial stuff. It's an interesting channel. I'll link the video with the Pleiadian channeling below:


Posted : 08/07/2023 11:01 pm
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@coreymatthews Hi Corey. Maybe I can help provide some background on the Reptilian topic. As straight forward as possible. We had a nefarious ET invasion already. By the Draco reptilians. Thats the current economic slavery, child trafficking and governments control systems in place. Earth living was never supposed to be this difficult or dark. Its purposeful as the Draco reptilians are parasitic in nature and thrive from negative emotions and energies. Programming created to oppress and depress the people. The religions in place, all part of the programming to create separation amongst the people and Source. We manifest our own outcomes and realities. Like Patrice mentioned. This is a mental Universe from the mind of "Source" (God). Our reality is a matrix which allows us to incarnate into the physical from spirit and Source. The earth is supposed to be 5th dimensional but some things happened with the Reptilians and wars that resulted in 3d suppression of Earth/ Gaia. The earth has a consciousness, her name is Gaia. The GFL is here to remove the Draco reptilians and had removed most of them already if not all of them. The cabal remain in place but are just human. Humans continuing on with the "Power Over Others" mentality that the Draco thrive on. These revelations are coming to the surface. We are in an ascension cycle now. Already out of the 3rd, in the 4th now. Once we get anchored in the 5th we'll see some major changes in our realities. A transition from a "Power Over Others" to a "Service to Others" society. A reality filled with peace, love, happiness, abundance for all, gratitude, balance, joy, amazement and excitement.  There are "starseeds" incarnated on earth that are ET, not human. Most of us on this forum. Starseeds incarnate into human vessels temporarily to anchor in the 5th dimensional energies so that Gaia can ascend back to her innate 5th dimensional energy. Also, why the GFL is here. They are family members of us starseeds currently here on Earth. We have some work to do to remove our attachments/blockages and activate our innate energy centers and abilities. Stuff like, activating third eye, all chakras, Merkabah, kundalini, dna, crystalline conversion etc. To allow all of the activations we need to clear and remove our attachments like trauma, past life karmic ties, cords, implants, imprints, tags etc. It's a lot to unpack. Hope this helps provide some information. It's a very large topic but those are the basics in the way of Reptilian involvement and the ascension from 3D to 5D.

Posted : 10/07/2023 1:06 pm
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@kenjenk1358 😅😅😅

Posted : 10/07/2023 10:15 pm
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@nickq1233 Thanks for providing this insight. Do you know what happens to us after we die? Do we exist on a different planet, on the same planet, but as a different person, or could it be either?

Posted : 25/08/2023 1:59 am
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@coreymatthews Hey Corey. Sure. I can provide my perspective on that topic. We are eternal beings. In the mind of Source. This is a mental Universe. Our home is in spirit one with Source. These are only temporary physical incarnations in order for Source to experience. And for us to experience since we are all one anyways. We are Source fragments or “soul sparks”. Many names for what we are. When we pass we go back to our soul tribe and family. We unite with everyone we already know. We remember everything once we pass. This incarnation yes, but also our other incarnations. We keep our personalities. If you were to talk with your higher self, they’d say… chill this is only a game or a temporary experience. 🙂 It feels pretty dam real though. We learn lessons here, re unite with soul tribe and perform our missions to support Gaia’s ascension. This incarnation is a little different though. We ascend in this incarnation. We make that transitions from 3d to 5d. We’re in the process of that now. 🙂 There is no such thing as death. Death is an illusion put forth by the negative controllers of this matrix. We never die. We just go back home. ❤️ 💡

Posted : 25/08/2023 4:42 pm
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@nickq1233 Thanks. That's interesting. I think you'd like the video below. I'm not sure if it's real, but it's a Grey alien being interviewed. I think it's interesting.


Posted : 25/08/2023 5:06 pm
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