I just think I had an Upload. I have never done any kind of meditation like this but I have been EA so I asked for guidance of my highest interest from the Light of the Source. And I was immediately raised upward and a major surge went into my body. I can still feel it and it's been over 30 minutes. I had a lot of visuals but I know ego plays with us as well, but there was one part I know was not ego. I was with " others" don't know who, but they wanted me to turn into a Sun. And I didn't want to become I didn't want to hurt anybody.
But I still continued my meditation and still keep Receiving but I don't know what I was Receiving. That is the only word I know how to describe the feeling.
Any thoughts would be great. Oh and I'm new to the group . So, I do not know anything about Uploads if I'm even saying the right words.
Thank you,
- Scott
@scottdaugherty73 Welcome to the community❤️🙌 This video might helps: https://elizabethapril.com/video-post/how-to-download-upload-from-source-march-creators/❤️✨
Thank you!!