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Therapist keywords for vetting?

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Super curious and would really appreciate any input anyone has out there. I am looking for a therapist, going the traditional route of trying insurance first, bc let's be honest, therapy is a luxury (sadly) and if I can have it covered, great! 

My question is: are there any keywords that a therapist would drop that would clue me in that they're open-minded spiritually?

Looking for a therapist that wouldn't be freaked out by dealing with someone who has a lot of past life stuff/things that are more spiritual based/ to navigate and overcome, along with the more human things that they would be trained with. The closest practice would be a holistic CBT, but I'm also down for hypnotherapy, regression, etc but I also know that in the more traditional circles, you can't come out directly and say that.

I'm NYC based and out of 9 million people, there has to be a therapist out there that isn't completely living inside the Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) practice in 3D mode, I'm sure of it. I just have to find that 5D-adjacent therapist somewhere!

Any ideas on what I would see as a certification or "hey I'm like CBT but also down to get weird" would look like? LOL thanks in advance xo 

This topic was modified 1 month ago by suzb
Posted : 23/11/2024 3:31 pm
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@misscyberiagmail-com Thank you for posting your questions

Posted : 25/11/2024 10:38 am