Suggestions for the site
Hi, is there a dedicated place where we can post suggestions and bugs for the site?
If not, here are some things I would love to see:
+ Ability to mark a video as watched - I have watched a lot of the videos on YouTube, so it would be great to mark these as already watched. At the moment I go on a video and try to skip to the end to mark it as watched, however, this doesn't always do it and sometimes takes many attempts until its marked as watched.
+ Create a to watch list. I know we can add videos to favourites, but it would also be awesome to have a dedicated to watch list.
+ Add private notes/bookmarks to a video for points we want to remember.
+ Ability to see how many light codes you have without having to leave a comment.
If any of these already are in place and I've just missed them, please let me know.
I've also noticed a few small bugs which aren't significant, but it would be great if they could be fixed for ease of use (if you want I can add those as well - mostly link, redirect and email related).
Thank you!