Suggestions for the site
Hi, is there a dedicated place where we can post suggestions and bugs for the site?
If not, here are some things I would love to see:
+ Ability to mark a video as watched - I have watched a lot of the videos on YouTube, so it would be great to mark these as already watched. At the moment I go on a video and try to skip to the end to mark it as watched, however, this doesn't always do it and sometimes takes many attempts until its marked as watched.
+ Create a to watch list. I know we can add videos to favourites, but it would also be awesome to have a dedicated to watch list.
+ Add private notes/bookmarks to a video for points we want to remember.
+ Ability to see how many light codes you have without having to leave a comment.
If any of these already are in place and I've just missed them, please let me know.
I've also noticed a few small bugs which aren't significant, but it would be great if they could be fixed for ease of use (if you want I can add those as well - mostly link, redirect and email related).
Thank you!
Thanks for these great feature requests. As a token of our appreciation please check your store credit page for a little something from EA.
The purpose of light codes are a point collection system for a member loyalty program we will be launching soon. They will be worth money towards discounts off products and live events! Please send us a chat support message by clicking the support chat icon and list out the additional bugs you saw so we can fix them!
@rita-b I'm hoping someone will sticky this thread because I think it's important we can make suggestions for improving the forum.
I'm wondering if we could get a permanent edit button. I'm kind of a perfectionist and will sometimes want to edit my posts. As it it now, I think we can only edit posts within the first 5 or 10 minutes of posting them. A permanent edit button, if possible, might be better.
Thanks for the consideration.
Can we agree to let only the admins and EA to make use of the sticky button? And un-stick after say 1 or 2 months of inactivity? With all these sticky items it now is too hard to see current activity in the General Discussion section.
Yeah notification button doesn't work, nor clear notifications, un-stick doesn't work. We have to send some light to this site and ask the help of the tech savvy Angels.
@lighthealer_arkie Thanks for your feedback. I'm finally getting a chance to look at all the site suggestions and bugs and will be testing and updating everyone.
@lighthealer_arkie Arkie, would you help me test out the issues so I can understand what you're referring to when mentioning the following:
- Notifications Button Don't Work
- Un Stick Doesn't Work
Could you send a support chat message by clicking on the Chat Bubble in the bottom right hand corner? I'd like to discuss in further detail about these items to rectify them immediately for you guys.