Spirituality and modesty
I go to the same farmers market every Saturday and buy the same things from my same stands and all but 1 are Amish stands and i have lots of Mormon Neighbors. I grew up in a Catholic Family and was baptized Christian myself and now am Awakened . That got me thinking in the hot sun while im watch this little amish boy get my raw milk from the cooler ...Thick cotton pants,long sleeved shirt,over vest,and a hat he couldnt remove the wemon also . Then the Mormon girls playing kickball tripping over their long slitless skirts ...im like this is redireculious.....for what? Im all for traditions and keeping them alive but at times like these , what is the point , Ya know? How do you feel about this subject. How do you live in accordance and have you ever been conformed to this styal of lving in your life and can you share your beliefs and experiences with us please.Thank you love you all. ☺
@k-miller1211 Thank you for bringing up the topic. 😊