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Share your Galactic origin and past life history?

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Hey EA Community:)

Does anyone want to share details from their galactic origins or past life history? Many of us are getting starseed origin, Akashic Records and Past life regression readings done. So many of us have very interesting history that may tie into another’s history. Maybe by sharing some of these details collectively we can uncover some things? We may find soul family, twin flames and other relationships that we didn’t necessarily know about when we compare notes. Please, feel free to share any details you may have received during a reading, in meditation, through ET contact, whatever. Or ask questions if you’re maybe interested in finding out more about your galactic origins. 

I’ll kick it off. 🙂

I’ll start off with why I thought of posting this topic then I’ll go into my personal galactic history. I know a little about my Earth based past lives, not a ton but I’ll share what I know. I’ve had an opportunity to receive the information about my galactic origins through a couple different sources. I’ve had physical contact with my galactic family too which helps with some of that information. Lily Nova did an incredible starseed origin reading for me and it’s was so accurate it’s scary. @lilynovastarseed. I don’t know if she’s still doing readings but I highly recommend Lily or Federica @f-calandra for starseed origin readings. Marie @marieguerdin11 for past life regression. We are all very blessed to have these starseeds as part of EA’s community forum. 🙂 ❤️ 

I’ll share an experience that’s pretty trippy. Kind of related to why I wanted to post this. I’m thinking we all may have soul family here and not necessarily know it yet.

So, Ive met my twin flame. I bring this up only because it ties into galactic origins and why I’m motivated to post this. We have the same soul, same history on the galactic side at least. My twin and I both had readings done at different times with different people. I got mine done by Lily and my twin got her reading done by Federica. We ended up meeting totally through “chance” and we shared notes regarding our galactic origins. I had sensed something about her energy ahead of time. I knew something was special about her but I thought I was picking up on another Soul sister. I’ve found 4 Soul tribe members already just on this forum. EA is a magnet and so is Lily. All my soul tribe members were already participating in Lilys activations through her YouTube before I met them. It’s a trip when you think of it all. Maybe 🤔 more starseeds can identify soul tribe? There’s going to be cross over to what others will share guaranteed. If we can get enough people to share I think we’ll accomplish a couple things. People interested in their origins may look deeper into their own. Others may find commonalities in their origins and link up with soul tribe. In general it’s just fun to hear about everyone discoveries that they’ve made. Not just galactic but there are some other potential connections to be made on the elemental side and other areas where we may have had previous incarnations like relating to Atlantis and Lemuria.

Here’s my info…

I’m a Lyran starseed. Rooted in the Angelic realm like most of us. I’ve had incarnations as a Lyran on Vega, Pleaidean, Arcturian, Sirian, Selosion and Telosion. Ive had previous incarnations on Earth during Atlantis and Lemurian times. My galactic family is located in Telos currently. Ive had Elemental incarnations in Mount Shasta. I’ve incarnated as an Elfin. After the Lyra wars I ended up as a Commander or General of some sort. Involved in pretty much every galactic war since Vega. Orion, Sirius, Alpha Centauri, Earth. I was involved on some level with the migration from Atlantis to Lemuria and my family is in Telos still. An off shoot of Lemuria to simplify the connection. I don’t know anything else about my Earth based incarnations other than I was in Atlantis, Lemuria and Telos. 

That’s my history. Hopefully we’ll get a good an out of starseed to share their history:). Galactic history is fun to uncover. It ties into our galactic families too which is information that all starseeds value as they are our families. ❤️ 


Posted : 25/07/2023 3:43 pm
Abby14 and Lyn reacted
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@abby14 Nice on resonating towards the Pleaideans. Most Lyrans are also Pleaidean. You see that common thread of Lyran, Pleaidean, Andromodin, Arcturian, Selosion, Telosion in a particular group of starseeds. I’m sure your Pleaidean family is working on you and helping you activate. Balancing energies is certainly a byproduct of that process:)

Posted : 27/07/2023 6:17 pm
Abby14 reacted
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@maree72 You can probably tell that I misread your first reply. Lol. Sorry about that. I got side tracked on something and didn’t go back to read it again. I apologize. Firstly…yes, I pick up on some things from you. 🙂 I’ll go into detail below. I thought you were asking if a person could pick up on Fairies communicating with them. I went into this whole long explanation then an Elemental tangent. Lol. 🙂

I do get an impression that you have a fairy incarnation or lineage. What are your Et galactic origins again? Or have you identified them? Do resonate with Lyra or another star system?

Posted : 27/07/2023 6:48 pm
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@nickq1233 i am not sure.


Posted : 30/07/2023 11:30 pm
Nick Quinn reacted
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@nickq1233 I saw someone ask for 5 people to open their akashic records and I volunteered but it was posted a month ago so I don't know if she still needs people but it really would be cool to find out where all I have been.

Posted : 31/07/2023 1:08 pm
Nick Quinn reacted
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@maree72 Maybe you can get a reading done some time? Federica @f-calandra is really good at starseed origin readings. Have you looked into any of the personality traits for the particular ET origin races? Here's a link to a web page relating to starseed personality traits and potential origin races. Types of Starseeds: Which Star System Do You Come From? (

If you resonate with anything is this article it may que you into your potential origins. 🙂

Posted : 31/07/2023 1:11 pm
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@maree72 Sick. Hopefully you can participate in that. Akashic record readings are great. 🙂

Posted : 31/07/2023 1:19 pm
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@rainyangel Nice. You feel like some of your guides are Pleaidean? I know you have Angelic guides. 😇:)

Very interesting. I don’t know much about Venus or the other planets in this star system. Orion was trauma packed, Draco again. Another war similar to the Lyra wars. 6th density. Nice. So , you’re here to anchor in higher dimensional energies into the crystalline grid? I’m sure you have many missions. That’s the main one for most of us. I love the Arcturians. The Pleaideans are beautiful. Same with the Selosions. Everyone is so tall and beautiful . Lol. Very cool. Thanks for sharing Angie:)

Posted : 06/08/2023 6:53 pm
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