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Share your Galactic origin and past life history?

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Hey EA Community:)

Does anyone want to share details from their galactic origins or past life history? Many of us are getting starseed origin, Akashic Records and Past life regression readings done. So many of us have very interesting history that may tie into another’s history. Maybe by sharing some of these details collectively we can uncover some things? We may find soul family, twin flames and other relationships that we didn’t necessarily know about when we compare notes. Please, feel free to share any details you may have received during a reading, in meditation, through ET contact, whatever. Or ask questions if you’re maybe interested in finding out more about your galactic origins. 

I’ll kick it off. 🙂

I’ll start off with why I thought of posting this topic then I’ll go into my personal galactic history. I know a little about my Earth based past lives, not a ton but I’ll share what I know. I’ve had an opportunity to receive the information about my galactic origins through a couple different sources. I’ve had physical contact with my galactic family too which helps with some of that information. Lily Nova did an incredible starseed origin reading for me and it’s was so accurate it’s scary. @lilynovastarseed. I don’t know if she’s still doing readings but I highly recommend Lily or Federica @f-calandra for starseed origin readings. Marie @marieguerdin11 for past life regression. We are all very blessed to have these starseeds as part of EA’s community forum. 🙂 ❤️ 

I’ll share an experience that’s pretty trippy. Kind of related to why I wanted to post this. I’m thinking we all may have soul family here and not necessarily know it yet.

So, Ive met my twin flame. I bring this up only because it ties into galactic origins and why I’m motivated to post this. We have the same soul, same history on the galactic side at least. My twin and I both had readings done at different times with different people. I got mine done by Lily and my twin got her reading done by Federica. We ended up meeting totally through “chance” and we shared notes regarding our galactic origins. I had sensed something about her energy ahead of time. I knew something was special about her but I thought I was picking up on another Soul sister. I’ve found 4 Soul tribe members already just on this forum. EA is a magnet and so is Lily. All my soul tribe members were already participating in Lilys activations through her YouTube before I met them. It’s a trip when you think of it all. Maybe 🤔 more starseeds can identify soul tribe? There’s going to be cross over to what others will share guaranteed. If we can get enough people to share I think we’ll accomplish a couple things. People interested in their origins may look deeper into their own. Others may find commonalities in their origins and link up with soul tribe. In general it’s just fun to hear about everyone discoveries that they’ve made. Not just galactic but there are some other potential connections to be made on the elemental side and other areas where we may have had previous incarnations like relating to Atlantis and Lemuria.

Here’s my info…

I’m a Lyran starseed. Rooted in the Angelic realm like most of us. I’ve had incarnations as a Lyran on Vega, Pleaidean, Arcturian, Sirian, Selosion and Telosion. Ive had previous incarnations on Earth during Atlantis and Lemurian times. My galactic family is located in Telos currently. Ive had Elemental incarnations in Mount Shasta. I’ve incarnated as an Elfin. After the Lyra wars I ended up as a Commander or General of some sort. Involved in pretty much every galactic war since Vega. Orion, Sirius, Alpha Centauri, Earth. I was involved on some level with the migration from Atlantis to Lemuria and my family is in Telos still. An off shoot of Lemuria to simplify the connection. I don’t know anything else about my Earth based incarnations other than I was in Atlantis, Lemuria and Telos. 

That’s my history. Hopefully we’ll get a good an out of starseed to share their history:). Galactic history is fun to uncover. It ties into our galactic families too which is information that all starseeds value as they are our families. ❤️ 


Posted : 25/07/2023 3:43 pm
Abby14 and Lyn reacted
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@nickq1233 Thank you for bringing this topic!

Posted : 26/07/2023 11:34 pm
Abby14 and Nick Quinn reacted
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@lynp-2 Figured it would be fun:) ❤️ Galactic origins is such an interesting topic.

Posted : 27/07/2023 6:08 am
Abby14 reacted
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I've got no clue where i'm from, nobody can figure it out 🤣 . I have glimpses of rememberance, but nothing detailed enough to be sure. One thing guaranteed, i'm a weirdo.

Posted : 27/07/2023 6:12 am
Abby14 and Nick Quinn reacted
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This is such a great topic, thank you for sharing it Nick 😀 

As far as my knowledge goes, mine is a bit complicated. I've told some of it in the introductions already, but for the sake of the topic I will give a rundown of it, as well as other stuff that comes to mind for this topic. 🙂


I believe I am in the process of a being a walk-In soul. I don't know why the walk-in doesn't seem to just be completed but I actually read recently after pondering this to myself of the concept of souls ''attaching'' ? to other souls incarnated in order to help them energetically in some way, if they need the help.

To make this short, my guides guided me through an experience where I was able to feel both souls present, my original soul and the walk-in soul in my body at the same time, and claircognitively I knew that the soul I was born as was a fey soul of some kind. And the walk-in soul I just knew was a Pleiadian soul and I was also told that they were Pleiadian.

It was an interesting experience, because I felt like the fey soul was on it's way out for sure, but there was a darkness/trauma energy holding it back from leaving completely. And this new Pleiadian soul just ... felt like ME. It was like feeling like a real person for the first time in forever since the trauma (same trauma I refer to which the fey soul had. I went through an intense dark night of the soul and I heard a male voice tell me clearly and compassionately/sympathetically, "You've been through enough, we're going to do a walk-in".) So, I feel that this walk-in is meant to be completed, I just don't know when. Maybe it already has, and the memories of the trauma (which still affect me) are just keeping the fey soul around.

SO, in my own personal experience, I would say that I am both a soul with a strong connection with the fey, and I am a Pleiadian soul. Or if I really want to be concrete on something based on my speculation I could say that I am Pleiadian now, and a fey soul used to inhabit this body. 

I've also had many times the words "Andromeda" come up for me. Ever since I was 16, I've seen this word come into my mind's eye. So maybe I have connections there too.

I've also had one person read my energy with a photo and all, and she told me that I was a Draconian starseed, which was a little bit of a surprise. I've never felt connected to them and in fact I've always felt repulsed everytime I think of them. 

One reason why I feel repulsed when I think of them, is that once I was in a deep meditation at one time in my life after awakening and I had a vision, or a resurfaced memory because it was like a mini movie playing in my head. I was a child sitting in my father's tv room, which had windows letting in a view practically from every angle of the room to the outside. And I looked out the window in front of me and saw a greenish-grey, scale-y pair of legs standing in the grass outside, that seemed to be half-materialized in some way. 

I always took this as a reptilian invading in on my space/home as a child, because there were many strange things that happened when I was growing up, that'd be taken as paranormal or something like this. I was always scared of this memory, if it is a memory at all, and this fear even after receiving it in what must've been 2016, I still feel fear surrounding it or the concept of reptilians to a great deal if I am being honest with myself. I don't like to talk about it since it can be, is triggering to my self. 

I remember all of my siblings would go outside in the middle of the night in search of ''our parents'' screaming and crying and we all remember this. I don't know why we were called to go outside, when I remember it it seems like a blur in my mind, I just know that we had to find our parents. Maybe some sort of abduction took place then, but that is a big speculation on my part, however I feel I know that something must have taken place there.

We also all saw grey/staticy balls of energy rushing throughout our backyard when we were children too, I assume they were spirits. 

Another memory that resurfaced in meditation that may have to do with my starseed origins/connections had to do with seeing a feline looking being in my parent's bedroom during the daytime. 

I remember I was meditating quite deeply, and suddenly another movie started to play in my head just like the first one I described. I remember seeing myself as a child, I must've been 5 or 4 or so. And I was upstairs in the hallway with my arm outreaching to open my parents door that leads to their bedroom. When I open it, I see this tall, brown, cat-like humanoid being standing at the edge of my parents bed closest to the door, smiling? down at me. They were dressed in green vestments over their torso with designs on it, though I don't remember clearly what the designs were. They were simple, I think, around the edges of the clothing.

So I don't know about what kind of being this was, I'd assume Lyran because they looked feline, but I feel that maybe many of these higher dimensional beings can just assume whatever form that they wish to, whatever they want to look like to whomever. A very good tarot reader who identifies themselves as Lyran in origin described Lyrans when they saw them in meditation as much different than what I saw.

So, maybe, if this is a resurfaced memory, I have connections to whomever this being was.

So, fey(past), Pleiadian, Andromedan, Draconian?, and whoever that being was above.


This was a really fun and uplifting thing to share, and I feel writing it allowed me to remember my starseed connections more and therefore helped me to open my heart more. I often feel very alien on this planet and that nobody understands me, so this closes my heart chakra and I don't feel love, which makes it also hard to connect to spirit guides at all. So a big thank you for this upliftment 🙂 

Thanks for sharing this topic Nick, and if you read all of what I wrote, thank you for reading too 🙂  

Posted : 27/07/2023 10:35 am
Nick Quinn reacted
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@patricekrysztofiak You're like the one example that I can think of that won't be able to share your origins. lol. You're from another Universe or something? When I read you that's what I got. Based on what I received I think you made pre incarnation agreements with us. Like an agreement to bring certain soul tribe factions together. Like a magnet for particular soul tribe groups. You're responsible for me locating 3 different soul sisters and my twin soul. 🙂 There is absolutely more to unpack with that and your particular role during this ascension. You have gifts that we don't have as well. You can remove the most dense, dark energies with ease, and you remove blockages like no one else. As for your galactic history, I don't know if anyone here can pull that for you, maybe? You're not bound and connected in the same way that we are. You hang out and with a bunch of Lyrans and you're married to one too but you're from somewhere else. 🙂 Maybe someone will be able to get a solid galactic history read on you some day. We're blessed to have you regardless of where you came from 🙂 ❤️.

Posted : 27/07/2023 10:48 am
Abby14 and Patrice reacted
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@abby14 I love it, Abby. Walk ins have a karmic advantage for sure 🙂 Good timing for your walk in now. Thats amazing that you can have multiple souls inhabiting a vessel. Like you have reinforcements. 👍 Maybe you have a pre incarnation agreement with the Pleiadean walk in.? Or maybe it's a multidimensional expression of you the whole time? Very cool. I've spoken with people that have encountered a version of themselves on a different plane of existence. From another timeline, or existing in a different space and time. We can definitely be multiple things at once. Our brains have a difficult time understanding multidimensional existence but you're a good example of that and how that may express itself. Sounds like your dark night of the soul initiated the multidimensional walk in version of yourself? I had a similar dark night of the soul experience that changed everything for me. The compassion and love that you experienced during your dark night of the soul experience is beautiful. ❤️ 

I bet you're picking up on a combination of your multidimensional existence as well as your galactic history. Like blending together what you've been receiving in mediation and through clairvoyance, telepathy and memories surfacing. It can get super confusing sometimes. I bet you're Lyran rooted if you have some Draconian mixed in there. Same here. I despise the Draco because of a lot of my past trauma but I do hold some Draconian energies as well. Maybe to balance the Light and Dark? I think we've played the "bad guy" during certain incarnations as well. After Lyra I have visions of us just reaping havoc on Reptilians and other ET's that stood in our way of retribution and War. We were all pretty pissed after Vega was destroyed. Collected some Karma for that one. It's interesting how we've played both roles. I guess it's all perspective. To other Lyrans we were doing what we needed to do and expressing our trauma. To the others that we were engaging in combat, I'm sure we were their "bad guys". I think we carry some of that energy with us still and we're trying to balance those energies. Embracing every part of us and loving both the dark and light aspects of us. It's all Love this incarnation although I'll admit if I had an opportunity to command a fleet of ET combative craft I would have already burnt all the economic and governmental oppression systems down to the ground and physically removed all cabal. Then I would be their bad guys along with the benevolent ET's and GFL. Maybe that's the balance that we all strive for. To not want to do those kinds of things? To lead with Love, Light and Gratitude. 

It's difficult to process our Reptilian aspects. Especially because they were responsible for destroying Vega, our home planet and they've enslaved so many worlds including this one. Its dark and evil in comparison to the Divinity to we gravitate towards. They are parasitic in nature and thrive from low vibrational emotional states. Fear, lack, struggle, jealousy, anger etc. They get us to self-sabotage our manifestations if we fall victim to those energies. Patrice is always telling me in group sessions to take care of my "reptilian". lol. It's visited people too which isn't fun. I've made peace with that energy, and I love every aspect of me, but I do have to balance that. It's a daily balancing process. Reiki really helps. 

Do you think that reptilian visitation when you were a child in the grass was negative in nature or do you think that you were scared because of how it appeared? Do you feel like it was trying to put fear into you or that you just happen to see it materialize? Try to explain that to your parents, right? lol. On this topic, they can attach to someone to try to install fear and to bring out some of those lower vibrational energies as they use those energies as their life force energy. Same way how we use Divine White Light as our life force energy. Good news on the Draco topic though, there are no more on Earth. Not in physical form at least. The GFL has removed them all, but we still hold our energies that include some of that. At least we don't have any 8' tall green scary reptilians staring through our TV room windows any longer. I have childhood trauma too relating to similar things and abductions. All part of the healing process and releasing trauma. "Shadow work". 

Your early memories are very interesting. Abductions were a thing for sure. Draco and Greys were both abducting people. Not to mention certain governments as bad as that sounds. They were all working in agreement with eachother before the GFL came to Earth in a big way. It took a collective of benevolent ET races to remove the Draco from this planet. That's all over now thankfully, GFL ❤️. We can heal now and face these shadows from our past. 

Maybe your lineage is Lyran rooted as your anchoring star system? Based on your Feline ET encounter memory and some of the other information you provided. Then maybe incarnations as a Pleiadean, Fey, Draconian, Andromedin? Do you resonate at all with Arcturian or Sirian? A lot of Lyrans have Pleaidean, Arcturian, Sirian, reptillian, Andomedin histories. Not to mention elemental incarnations such as fairies and other elementals. Do you resonate with Atlantis and Lemura or Ancient Egypt? Thanks for sharing everything that you did. That was awesome:) You are totally right. When you get a chance to list everything out in writing it'll spark memories and help you process through things. I've typed out super long explanations for things only to delete them because I realized that the purpose wasn't to post it was to write it all down to process it all better. I keep a journal for that same reason. It's so beneficial to just start typing or writing sometimes. That's exactly what I wanted to accomplish with this post. Hopefully we'll get a bunch of super long, really well thought out responses from others like yours. Thanks again for sharing everything in the detail that you provided. 🙂

Posted : 27/07/2023 12:13 pm
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@nickq1233 Fascinating!

Posted : 27/07/2023 1:32 pm
Abby14 and Nick Quinn reacted
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Can you pick up on if I have a connection to fairies? I have been making a lot of flower fairies for people to have as keychains, car mirror hangers, ceiling fan charms,.. ect... And for the ones that have been going in peoples garden. I honestly feel are being charmed by fairies themselves because the amount growth in plantlife is absurd. People are swearing it is due to the magic of the flower fairies being placed in them. 

Posted : 27/07/2023 2:05 pm
Abby14 and Nick Quinn reacted
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I think that I have no clues as to the intentions of the owner of the reptilian-looking pair of legs that I saw materialize. At least, in my experience of the memory resurfacing, there was no emotion, just a calm detachment because of the deep state of meditation I was in. Same with the Feline looking ET memory that I experienced. There was no emotion, just a calm detachment.

When I first woke up to spirituality and ETs, etc. I very much liked the idea of Vega, I feel like I remember something in me having an emotional reaction when I learned of their fate (though I am foggy on what that is, I'll have to go back and remember what that was, what happened to them), and I seemed to tie that together as an explanation for how I felt about reptilians in general, as in this great fear I seem to have surrounding them, even now. But then, that would be the original soul's experience as this was pre-dark night. So that adds an element of confusion certainly to figuring my self out, lol.

But my gifts were not developed as much as they are now, and it is so hard to recall that I don't know how much stock I can put into my connection with the Vegans or Lyrans, though I know that I definitely 'thought' that I felt connected to them. I don't know if it was my mind making these connections because my ego liked this identity for me, or if I was really drawn to it in an intuitive sort of way. Back then, it's just hard to know. I think I would have known if I were drawn to it in an intuitive sort of way, though, even now. But you never know, the universe can surprise you. Maybe in the future on one of my good days, I can connect with my spirit guides and they will reveal something to me. 🙂 

So, I don't know about Lyrans, but I know for sure that during that time right when I woke up, I received multiple times the words Andromedan and I have always wondered about them. But that would have been pre-dark night and pre-walk-in, so I suppose I am exploring the original souls stuff there... and not the current one.

Right now I have a great love for the Pleiadians, that much I do know.

Presently, I have received visions in the recent months of Ancient Egypt. I have always liked the idea of Atlantis, I think. And I recently visited Atlantis in some way in a light meditation for healing, though it didn't seem to go very far and I might be just assuming that it was Atlantis (Can't remember if they mentioned the name of the place I found myself in and the beings looking down at me, but in that moment I thought it was Atlantis. They were definitely positive though...) and time is not linear, so I suppose that can still make sense, to be healed by beings in the past even when they... aren't around? Still wrapping my head around these concepts! lol.

I am trying to take it slow in exploring everything... my guides constantly show me the "Stop" sign in visions, and tell me to slow down, and show me the turtle as well. I feel that they really do just want me to rest. My nervous system is still healing from the trauma of the dark-night, and I am slowly letting go of those energies of the past.

So, presently, I know Pleiadian for sure and maybe that's all I know for right now. It is uncertain with the Draconian energies the one reader read in me because I don't know which soul she was tapping into, so to speak. 


And I really don't know if this Pleiadian soul is meant for me to 'become' completely or if they are just here to help stabilize my energies as a support for me. I definitely know that when I had the experience of feeling the two souls present in my body with an expanded sense of consciousness (which was truly amazing to feel), I felt like the fay soul was on its way out, and the Pleiadian soul was like, ME. I just felt like I had a soul for once instead of being bombarded empathically by the energies of my environment, like I am a void of a person with no soul (that is how it feels most of the time, at least). It would be interesting to figure this out. I will try to channel, but I am so weary and tired all the time that going in the higher energies makes me even more tired of course, and I don't get anything but frustration out of the attempt, unfortunately. I can already hear my guides telling me not to push myself, lol.


Yes, writing this all out definitely served as a refresher for opening my heart chakra/connecting back to the memories of the experiences I have had in this lifetime so far. It has definitely helped me. I think I will write about some of my other experiences just to keep them in a notebook, and to not forget about. That is a good idea. 🙂 You're welcome, and thank you! 🙂 ANd yes, hopefully we get more detailed answers as well 🙂

Posted : 27/07/2023 2:13 pm
Nick Quinn reacted
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@maree72 Hey Maree. Most definitely. When I was in Mount Shasta earlier this month I was visited by multiple fairies. They came to me first when I was hiking Faery Falls. Then again when I went back at the bed and breakfast that I was staying at. The bed and breakfast was less than a mile away for Faery Falls so that was cool. I'll post a video link of that beautiful forest. I flew over it with my drone after my hike, then I recorded Telosion craft while I was at elevation with my infrared binoculars and night vision. Straight up enchanted would be my best description. There's an elemental spirit presence there like I've never felt before.  

Mount Shasta is the extreme example of that. You can connect to elementals during meditation as well. Similar to when we connect to our guides. We have to call them in through and hold that intention. I've even sent them to different people that have had previous elemental incarnations to help repair wings. Trauma and healing related stuff. I have a previous incarnation as an elemental, so I feel very close to them. My galactic family is there in Mount Shasta and my elemental incarnations were there too:). If you ever have a chance to visit Mount Shasta I would absolutely recommend connecting with the elemental beings there and the benevolent ET civilizations in Telos under the Mountain. Here's some footage of the Telosion craft.  

My guides and family have been calling me to the mountain for about a year so I brought everything when I visited. Infrared, 4kcamera, drone, lots of crystals and an open Heart ❤️.

More drone footage of Mount Shasta:) It's home base so I'll share and share and share when it comes to Telos and Mount Shasta ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Posted : 27/07/2023 3:00 pm
Abby14 reacted
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@maree72 Potentially. It depends on a couple things. I know a couple people that can absolutely tell you for sure. Federica and Lily are two starseeds that are really good at reading people. Lily is kind of like my mentor so she's way better at readings than I am. Federica is amazing as well. I'll tag them both here. Lily @lilynovastarseed Federica @f-calandra

If you're resonating towards fairies and elementals there is a good chance that you may have a previous incarnation as an elemental. I've noticed that a lot of female starseeds have fairy incarnations and some sort of trauma related to their wings as well. It's kind of related to divinity and their Angelic status or "loss" of divinity or loss of their wings. You're already doing some things subconsciously like making those Flower Fairies. If you think you may be, you probably are related in some way to the elemental kingdom. But if you want firm confirmation I'd reach out to Lily or Federica.:)  

Posted : 27/07/2023 3:11 pm
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Posted by: @maree72

Can you pick up on if I have a connection to fairies? I have been making a lot of flower fairies for people to have as keychains, car mirror hangers, ceiling fan charms,.. ect... And for the ones that have been going in peoples garden. I honestly feel are being charmed by fairies themselves because the amount growth in plantlife is absurd. People are swearing it is due to the magic of the flower fairies being placed in them. 


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Posted : 27/07/2023 3:39 pm
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@maree72 Thats awesome. Love it. The charms, butterfly, flower and wings. Your art peace’s tie into several areas of the elemental kingdom. There’s a couple areas that tie together. Butterfly’s are absolutely tied to elementals. Plant and tree life as well. The Elemental kingdom cares for and looks after natural plant and tree life. They interact with the consciousness that embody these living organisms. Anything living has a consciousness. The elementals are tied to the “elements” and Gaia. Air, Earth, Fire, Water. There’s a whole Harry Potter ish aspect to the Elemental kingdom as well. We can use the elements to carry intention though Alchemy and all sorts of cool things. For example. Arch Angel Michael can use water to trap low vibrational energies during healing ❤️‍🩹 work. Or in general really. I leave my energy catch jar full of water now. Just in case I run into a dense energy that could be trapped in the element of water. I’ll attach a pic. The elemental topic needs to be unpacked quite a bit to fully get into the weeds. I’m down if anyone wants to know more.:)

The Arch Angels have an ownership of responsibly over our planes of physical existence and it kinds of ties together. AA Micheal to the South, AA Uriel to the North, AA Rafael to the East and AA Gabriel to the West. AA Metatron is responsible for the above space and AA Sandalphon is responsible for the below space. Every plane of existence has an element of divinity built into it from Source. The whole topic has a mix of Alchemy, Elemental spiritual and Divinity woven though out. Based on what I’m picking up from you I’d say it’s very likely that you have a connection to the elemental kingdom. Are you into Alchemy or Hermetics ? Books like the Kybalion, Flower of Life, The Emerald tablets? Teachings from Thoth/Hermes relating to Alchemy, manifesting and Universal Law? It ties together, that’s why I ask. The Harry Potter aspect. Lol. 

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Posted : 27/07/2023 4:57 pm
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@abby14 Yeah. Lyran. Lol. The easiest way to identify a galactic origin is to identify one that resonates with you. Or that you “like”. There’s a reason why you gravitate towards a particular ET race or history relating to a particular event. Our guides and Higher selves are providing these nudges or urges to explore them. That’s good that you were able to process those older memories calmly and without any fear or anything. Healing ❤️‍🩹 . We have to surface the memories to release any trauma attached. You may have acquired trauma from those incidents. Maybe you packed them deep into your subconscious at the time. To be unpacked at a later date. Which you did:) That’s how a lot of trauma works. As a protective mechanism we’ll forget or suppress traumatic memories. Those become “blockages” as we try to activate our chakras. When we clear those blockages by releasing the trauma we’re able to activate more energy centers or “chakras”. Thats referred to as “shadow work”. We regain our innate abilities back when we do this. Clairvoyance, telepathy, clairaudience, healing, activating others etc etc. long list. 🙂 you probably know most of this already. These abilities tie into Christ Consciousness and the reason why we are here now. Basically all of us can do the things that Yeshua or “Jesus” was reported to be able to do. We all came here to Embody Christ and to raise the collective vibration to anchor in 5th dimensional energies into the lay lines and crystalline grid. Upper 5th dimensional grid. Yeshua tried back 2,000 years ago but there weren’t enough activated starseeds to anchor in the higher dimensional energies. We are the second coming of Christ. Christ Consciousness. The Humans, the cabal and the Draco really did a number to distort the true teachings of previous Ascended Masters like Yeshua. No one’s above another. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ. The consciousness related to Source not a person. 

I’ll fill you in on the Vega thing. It may help jog some memories. We all have lots of trauma that we are releasing relating to Vega. If we can surface them, we can release those blockages if any exist. Simplified version. We are Source. For Source to express itself and to experience, Source fragmented into soul sparks. We incarnated in factions called soul tribes or soul family. We incarnated as Angels first. Then we incarnated into physical form on Vega in the Lyra Star system. It was a heavenly incarnation. We were visited by the Draco, tricked and totally taken off guard. We never experienced violence, or aggression prior to this. A large war broke out. Everyone involved was super powerful so it destroyed the planet. Draco are parasitic and thrive off dark energies. We are light beings but when we experience low vibrational emotions it feeds the Draco’s life force energy and other negative or parasitic beings. That’s why Earths society is structured the way it is. To feed the life force energy of the nefarious Draco ETs that enslaved this planet. Economic slavery to promote struggle, poverty, crime, fear. Governmental control systems to enslave, control, punish and oppress.

There is polarity in everything, it’s Universal law. Light beings/ Dark beings, hot/ cold, love/ hate. Each polarity of the same thing of whatever aspect it’s expressing but at different ends of the spectrum. Hot and cold are the same. Just different polarities of that same thing. That’s where Alchemy comes in. This is a mental universe from the mind of Source. We incarnate into physical from in a matrix. This matrix has several layers and dimensions. We exist on every plan in multiple dimensions all at the same time. We are multidimensional galactic light beings. Transmutation is a power derived from Alchemy. You can transmute a lower vibrational emotion to a higher vibrational emotion. This supports positive manifestations in this matrix or mental Universe. If we are thinking and focusing on negative things, we will manifest those negative things. Part of the Draconian programming is to push us to resonate towards those lower polarities. Like Ghost busters when Ray manifested the State Puff Marshmallow man to try to destroy them. For example, if we fear something we can transmute that into excitement. There are polarities to every emotional state. High vibrational to low vibrational and degrees in between. We can control our emotional states or have more control over our emotional states I should say. Alchemy can also be used to carry an intention. For example through vibration. I’ll give you a real life example, I manifest an intention to activate the third eye through vibration using string instruments as the background track off the videos I create and post on YouTube.

Here’s an example.
Video link (headphones kind of required)

I’ll post this then I’ll continue so I don’t lose the post. Lol.  Longer drafts can do that. It’s happened to me before.:)



Posted : 27/07/2023 5:52 pm
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