“SHADOW WORK” and D...
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“SHADOW WORK” and Dark energies

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Hi EA community:). I wanted to open up a discussion on Shadow Work and the darker energies that we may come across during our ascension process. As we all know trauma and attachments can be challenging to clear as we get into our activations. We run into different things in group sessions all the time. It’s a difficult topic because attachments and shadow work is uncomfortable. We are all here to bounce these topics off each other though so I wanted to start the conversation. 

Anyone want to share anything on this topic. For me personally, I had dark attachments that were holding me back. Patrice cleared them for me and it changed the game for me. My activations took off after Patrice cleared the attachments for me. Patrice also fixed some leaks in my energy field. I’ll tag Patrice @patricekrysztofiak because this is his area of expertise. Let’s get comfortable with the uncomfortable. Any questions or experiences are requested from the EA community members. Safe space here:) We all have these on some level. Very important topic for us all. ❤️ 

A little background for those not hip of this stuff. We acquire attachments, imprints, tags, implants and other dense energies that block some of our abilities to activate fully. We may have that last chakra that isn’t lit or spinning the right direction due to trauma or another source of a blockage. 


@lilynovastarseed 🙂 Curious your take?  “my mentor”

Posted : 06/07/2023 2:17 pm
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@nickq1233 I wish they looked like they do in the goggles as they do with my naked eye sometimes. Like I see what looks to me to be a bright orange light that shines like the rays splayed out you know? But under the goggles it's a white round light.  No splays no orange. And thats without night vision.What is the difference with planes I'm not sure you said. You said they had to be a certain way by law.  Because these crafts can transform to look what looks like a plane to the naked eye. There are actual planes that do fly over right where I sit outside so sometimes I am not sure, but those usually very obvious, I mean craft don't make that plane sound do they?  Do you ever notice a sound from the craft?  

I am trying to distinguish what are messages and what aren't myself.  I think i'm probably prettty psychic and always have been just never knew it or thought about it. It's like if you're always that way you don't knom any different and you're never taught that it was anything other than your own thoughts and feelings you know?  

Posted : 19/08/2023 3:23 pm
Nick Quinn reacted
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@nickq1233 Hey Nick that makes a lot of sense because sometimes I’ll get visions or pictures in my minds eye along with an overwhelming feeling that I can’t explain that sometimes prompts me to say out loud, “oh that place. I miss it,” without actually knowing what or where that place is. Maybe a past life? Who knows. That actually brings me to mention something that I’ve been experiencing my entire life that I haven’t figured out.  I’ll be going about my day and then this powerful overwhelming feeling comes over me and stops me right in my tracks. It feels foreign and makes me feel kind of “out of my body.” Don’t know what it is but it always stops me and makes me wonder, “wtf?” I don’t get images it’s just a feeling. I would sometimes ask other people if they experience it too so that it would make more sense to me but people never knew what I was talking about so I stopped trying to figure out its nature. Now that I think of it, could it be some kind of energetic shift or something? Or an energy entering my space? Does this resonate with anyone?

Posted : 19/08/2023 11:29 pm
Nick Quinn reacted
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@rainyangel I Agree Angie. 🙂 If we could see half of what we see under infrared with our eyes. You’ve been catching some really good footage too. I haven’t had a lot of time to come one and check it out but from what I have seen it’s really good. I’m stoked that you got those infrared binoculars.

Posted : 21/08/2023 4:14 pm
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@222 Hey Gina. Exactly how it happens . In like downloads or thought packets. Not sure the best word :). You’ll speak out loud in reference to it, funny. Me too. I’ll have like conversation with whom ever out loud. People around me are like huh? I’m like, don’t mind me. Just talking to aliens over here. Lol. You could be receiving info on a past life for sure. In another star system, on Earth. I guess it depends on whether you’ve been stuck here or if you’ve been incarnating in other star systems more recently. You may be falling into channeling as well if you start taking out load. Your psychic ability seems strong with the visuals and what not. Interesting about your energy shifts. Are you feeling like you’re disassociating? Like observing your present moment but not feeling like youre in that present moment in the 3d. Like you’re watching it happen? Is this happening when you standing or like laying down? It does resonate with me. I’ll lucid dream and astral travel as well. Or shift from 5d/4d in moments like it’s a dimensional shift or blending. Then I have moments where I wake up and I think the last 3 years were a dream and I revert back to a previous time period. Then I have to work my way back to now. Like the present reality , as weird as this really is becoming. Lol. 

Posted : 21/08/2023 4:29 pm
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@nickq1233 I’ve been doing some clearing and have a quick question for anyone willing to help. What does it feel to be organized? I only recently realized that I carry the belief that I am perpetually a “hot mess” and “overwhelmed”, even when I am not. I’m working to identify the source of this belief through shamanic journeying, but would like some help finding positive affirmations in the meantime. The best I can come up with this far is, “I am safe, secure, and balanced”, but it doesn’t strike the cord I’m searching for . For those of you who find enjoyment in cleaning and organizing, what does that feel like for you and how do you approach it? I’m immediately overwhelmed and physically exhausted by messes.

Posted : 28/08/2023 1:35 pm
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@kasie-counts I need to organize as well and it's like my apartment reflex what's going on inside and if you clean it up it helps you feel cleaned up and organized within as well.  I'd say start really small and easy.  One thing or something each day, instead of thinking there sooo much to do.  I have sooo much to do as well believe me. my house needs a lot of clearing out and cleaning and shit.  That's what I'm telilng myself.  Pick one thing that's doable and doesnt' feel stressful at all to do.  Clean a drawer out or half a drawer.  Somen people are messy with like papers and writing and stuff and I think it's a sign of genious..haha   But they know where everything is and keep it the way they want it. I am messy but I feel better when it's clean.  I usually get it all messy until I can't stand it then clean it.  Once it's clean it's easier to keep it clean if you pick up after each day or as you go along your day.  Like I try to wash the dish after I use it.  But then I go days sometimes and let it all pile up and stink, it's gross right now ugh.   That's me right now though, out of balance and hard to get anything done.  I watched a spiritual video and it talks about how objects and garbage and clutter can pick up or attract energies as well and when you clear it out everything feels much lighter and better vibration.

Posted : 28/08/2023 4:17 pm
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