“SHADOW WORK” and D...
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“SHADOW WORK” and Dark energies

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Hi EA community:). I wanted to open up a discussion on Shadow Work and the darker energies that we may come across during our ascension process. As we all know trauma and attachments can be challenging to clear as we get into our activations. We run into different things in group sessions all the time. It’s a difficult topic because attachments and shadow work is uncomfortable. We are all here to bounce these topics off each other though so I wanted to start the conversation. 

Anyone want to share anything on this topic. For me personally, I had dark attachments that were holding me back. Patrice cleared them for me and it changed the game for me. My activations took off after Patrice cleared the attachments for me. Patrice also fixed some leaks in my energy field. I’ll tag Patrice @patricekrysztofiak because this is his area of expertise. Let’s get comfortable with the uncomfortable. Any questions or experiences are requested from the EA community members. Safe space here:) We all have these on some level. Very important topic for us all. ❤️ 

A little background for those not hip of this stuff. We acquire attachments, imprints, tags, implants and other dense energies that block some of our abilities to activate fully. We may have that last chakra that isn’t lit or spinning the right direction due to trauma or another source of a blockage. 


@lilynovastarseed 🙂 Curious your take?  “my mentor”

Posted : 06/07/2023 2:17 pm
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@rainyangel Thanks Angie. You too:)

Posted : 18/07/2023 2:09 pm
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@rainyangel Never give up Angie. It’s just the Shadow work and the energies coming in. It’s all very draining. You’re right there. Can you see the light ? You’re clawing your way through to your new reality. You have everything you need planned out. You just need to execute now. Taking action is a mental hurdle at first. Once you start taking good action you’ll be all motivated to take more action. We’re here and can coach you through the process. Once you get some momentum on your daily meditations and your Divine protections you’ll feel way different. I can help coach you through any details or questions that you have as you get going. I’ve experienced the same situation. We have very similar backgrounds in the kinds of struggles that we've experienced. We have a darker side and part of the process is coming to terms with it but also nullifying its desires. We are in control of our thoughts and emotions. We are the divine creators not the intrusive thoughts and energies that may surface from time to time. I know it’s hard to process but our darker shadows want us to initiated self destructive thoughts and behaviors. There’s an element within shadow work where we have to confront our shadows. We confront the voices that say I’m done. It’s ok to be done. I was done too. I gave up. I asked my higher self to take over when I was defeated at my lowest point. Ask your higher self to take over. Sincerely, in meditation. Ask for your higher self to shine though in every decision that you make, every day from this day on. In every step of action that you take. Have your higher self take the lead. Surrender the Ego completely and regain trust in your higher self.

There are some darker energies that we have to deal with during our shadow work. Patrice said that you were pretty clear of negative or parasitic energies though? I thought you had mentioned that. Also, There are leaks that we can experience in our energy fields that make it difficult to retain our life force energy. Patrice fixed 2 leaks in my field. I was always exhausted before he helped me out. Part of that process of keeping up high life force energy is grounding. Visualizing us grounding and deposition old energy to Gaia but also receiving new fresh, high vibrational energy back from Gaia. Maybe visualize a toroid around u. Energy leaving your Root down to Gaia. New fresh energy coming back to your Crown from Gaia. If you start your daily meditations with that, it’ll give you life force energy replenishment and protection. Maybe start meditating daily, 20 minutes total. Relaxed, the first couple minutes you’re calling on AA Michael to protect you, like we discussed earlier. Then the next couple minutes you’re settling into your zero. Give or take:/ The last bit you’re visualizing your energy grounding to Gaia from your Root chakra and receiving new fresh energy back into your crown chakra from Gaia. Just start with that daily. It’ll kill 3 birds with one stone.

Daily meditation 🧘‍♀️ -check

Daily divine protection -check

Daily life force energy replenishment -check

All very important things we should all be doing daily. Let’s tighten that up together. I got you ❤️. Let’s get you into your spiritual routine.

It doesn’t have to be pretty and clean when you start meditating. At a minimum Just get those 2 things accomplished (protection and replenishment) and you’ve accomplish what your intention was during meditation. Just grow it from that base. 

I feel like anytime we start thinking of self destructive type thoughts, lower vibrational energies are at work. You may find that if you call on Arch Angel Michael to come to you when your experiencing these thoughts that he can wash them out of your energy field. You can call on Saint Germain as well to transform the lower vibe energies into high vibe energies. Also one of our tools that we have access to as starseeds. It’s like invoking Arch Angel support. Something like this, “ I ask Saint Germain to send me your Gold Violet flame 🔥 of transformation and transmutation to transmute any low vibrational, negative or parasitic energies into the highest polarity of love and light. The highest vibrational energies are ❤️ LOVE and 💡 LIGHT. If you can find yourself resonating in those energies by default as much as possible you’ll be super high vibrational too. 

Posted : 18/07/2023 6:50 pm
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The Seven Pillars of Self-Care

The simplest way to look at self-care is to imagine seven pillars: emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, environmental, recreational and social.

Each of these representing a different aspect of your life that needs to be nurtured. Let’s explore...

Emotional – Relates to your ability to acknowledge, process and reflect on your feelings, or matters of the heart. By strengthening your emotional pillar you begin to understand yourself better; giving you the strength to deal with set backs or challenges, as well as developing healthy emotional responses.

Mental – Mindset is everything! Creating a positive mindset through mindfulness techniques can have a significant impact on our stress levels. It can also increase our creativity and knowledge.

Physical – Probably the one that most people think of when they hear ‘self-care’. This pillar covers everything from exercise, nutrition, hygiene and sleep.

Spiritual – Your spiritual growth. It’s the practices that allow us to nourish our soul; giving us purpose, direction and bringing meaning to our lives.

Environmental – Our living and working environments can have a huge impact on our head-space. Take a look at your environment. How do they look or feel? If they are cluttered, there’s a good chance that’s how you’ll feel too. Take time to clear these spaces and it’ll help bring you the clarity you need.

Recreational – As we age, we often forget about the little things that used to bring so much joy. Taking time to nurture your inner child with hobbies and activities that re-energise, will help you escape from day to day stresses and allow you to enjoy the simple pleasures in life once more.

Finally, Social – Our connections with others are so important for our self-care. Building positive, meaningful relationships with people who ‘get you’, can have an overwhelming impact on your life. Surround yourself, as much as you can, with people who bring you a sense of self-acceptance and belonging.

Take a moment to reflect on the points raised above. Think about what your current self-care practice looks like and what pillars you think could do with a little nurturing.

How to improve your self-care regime
There are so many wonderful things you can do to support and strengthen your pillars of self-care. It’s about finding the things you enjoy and those you know you’ll be able to easily incorporate into your life. Below is just a small selection of the things you can do to support our self-care.

  • Daily meditation
  • Connecting with nature by going for a walk, or spending time in the garden/park
  • Gentle exercise – Qi Gong, yoga, swimming and hitting the gym
  • Journalling
  • Listening to music
  • Bathing with Himalayan bath salts
  • Spend time on hobbies and interests
  • Spending time with family and friends
  • Connecting to higher powers through spiritual and/or religious practice
  • Clearing the clutter – Let the spring clean commence!
  • Eating regular nutritious meals and drinking plenty of water
  • Rest and getting a good amount of sleep
  • Disconnecting from technology and social media for a little time each day.
  • Laughing or making yourself laugh by watching humorous movies
Posted : 19/07/2023 3:13 am
Mariska van Luin, Leonie, Nick Quinn and 1 people reacted
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@rainyangel We're sending you lots of ❤  hope you can feel it 😘

Posted : 19/07/2023 3:15 am
Nick Quinn reacted
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@rainyangel That channel you posted is absolutely wonderful. I've been following the Altrusian Grace Media for a while. Very good study guides and audio books, solid accurate information. Mostly Alchemy related but there is content regarding a lot of other stuff that is going on right now. A true guide and resource for us all. A lot of information is embedded in those videos. A lot of teachings from Thoth/Hermes and other esoteric based information. 

Hey Angie. I hope you don't mind. Last night I connected to your energy field. I purified and cleansed your energy field from low vibrational, negative, parasitic energies. I invoked a sphere of projection around your energy field. I asked Saint Germain to send you the Gold Violet flame of transmutation. Transforming any older, low vibrational energies to the highest polarity of love and light. Turning low vibes into high vibes etc. You can keep it going. I did your first day of purification, protection and transmutation. You should start doing this in your meditations. Even if it's a quick 5 minute thing. AA Michael, please purify and cleanse my energy from any low vibrational, negative, parasitic energies. AA Michael, please surround me in a sphere of protection, filled with divine white light to keep out any low vibrational, negative, parasitic energies from interacting with my energy. Saint Germain, I ask that you send me your Gold Violet flame to transform any low vibrational or older energies that do not serve me any further into the highest polarity of love and light. In you showers or baths you can call out real quick for cleansing, using the water as the element. AA Michael, I ask that you please help me crystin this water in my shower/bath to wash away any low vibrational, negative and parasitic energies. In that same invocation ask that Mother Father God send you divine white light to repair any leaks in your energy field. If you're taking a shower visualize the water as white light repairing your energy field and washing away low vibes or residual energy that isn't serving you. 🙂

Posted : 19/07/2023 8:23 am
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@rainyangel Hi Angie. I wanted to post this video link. Kind of summarizes the importance of silence. Ties into meditation. Daily meditation provides us silence, which allows us to tap 8th our power and abilities. Soul Alchemy ❤️. Maybe this will help provide some clarity in the importance of tapping out our silence through meditation. 




Posted : 20/07/2023 11:46 am
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@rainyangel It’s all good. Take mini stabs at what ever you’re thinking, When ever you feel like it. It’s a lot to process all these kinds of topics. Can’t really put it all in one post anyways. A lot of us are dealing with heavy emotions and different things that we are processing. Don’t hesitate to take a step back and unplug for the topic here and there. We all need breathers. If I’m dealing with trauma or heavy emotions sometimes I’ll just unplug completely from everything. I won’t go on any spiritual related sites or do anything that requires deep thought until I feel better. I’ll meditate and keep my spiritual routine going but I won’t interact with many people and I’ll focus on healing and replenishing my energy. Lots of self love and support. Trying to find that place of love, light and balance. Sometimes ill disconnect for a day 2. Other times it’s like all week. Finding that balance between recovering and processing or taking action is important. Don’t burn yourself out ❤️‍🩹. 

Posted : 20/07/2023 4:44 pm
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I'm stoked for you. Sounds like you had some good energy helping provide some comfort last night. It's all about that Love and Light:) You're soaking everything in really well. Lucky it's raining there. It's so hot here in California. Been over 108 for days. I'm ready for the Fall already. lol. We all get that way with learning and overloading our systems. It happens. It's also easy to get trapped in the energy work and different things that help is activate. Breathers are good. We can get pretty obsessed with this stuff. I mean, it is the entire reason why we are here currently, but we still need space and breaks to process things and recover. Awesome light. I love lamps like that. Lighting is so nice for creating a calm environment. Cool that it has a remote too. I love that you're decorating your place. It really helps to keep changing the environment to resonate with you. You should see my place. I have prayers mantras over every door, 2 sage diffusers, Hermetic Art all over, Crystals all over, Elemental and Divine Symbols and Charms all over. It feels right though. I re arranged my bedroom too so that it is totally spiritual in nature. I created a sacred space in that room. Sounds similar to what you're doing over at your place:) It's nice to have peaceful, loving energy in our environments. It's easier for us though. I'm not married and have an 18 year old so I can decorate any way I want. Same with you right? It's your castle and you have ultimate control of how its decorated and the energy that you allow in your place ❤️. 

Posted : 21/07/2023 1:36 pm
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@cssndrk I have found the “The Emotion Code” to be very helpful for current traumas. It uses magnets to clear and reset the main energy meridian so that emotions do not stagnate and attract entities. It’s very simple; I use it with my myself and the kids whenever something emotionally heavy happens. I also will do shamanic healing and breathe-work meditations to eliminate attachments. ❤️

Posted : 13/08/2023 6:15 am
Nick Quinn reacted
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@surfpoetess Awesome. What kind of magnets? Magnetic fields fascinate me. I have a magnetic field generator. 🙂 I’d love to learn more?

Posted : 13/08/2023 7:03 pm
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@nickq1233 No special magnet needed - you can just use a magnet off the fridge. For something recent, you just think about it and let the emotions come up. Then run the magnet from your nose, over the top of your head, and down your spine; do this three times. The book also has a method for identifying old stuck emotions from ancestors; for ancestral trauma/emotional baggage, you would run the magnet at least 10 times.

Posted : 13/08/2023 7:09 pm
Nick Quinn reacted
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@surfpoetess Awesome. Very cool. Thanks for the info. I'll check out the Emotional code. Cool that you can use a regular fridge magnet:) Do you know which polarity or which direction we place the magnet? I guess if it's a fridge magnet it would be magnetically charged side? I have some circular magnets with both polarities so that's why I'm asking. Thanks again for the info.

Posted : 14/08/2023 11:41 am
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@nickq1233 Hmmm, I’m not sure. The book may have more guidance. I’m adding a link to Dr. Nelson’s YouTube videos. https://youtu.be/Fz1BP2T97O4

Posted : 14/08/2023 11:50 am
Nick Quinn reacted
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@nickq1233 @nickq1233 That would be interesting to communicate telepathically. Would it be very obvious if that were happening? Or does it feel like a normal thought in your head? When they fly low over your head or buzz near a window, you’re seeing them without using the goggles right? ‘Cause that’s obviously too close for binoculars.

Posted : 15/08/2023 10:45 pm
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@222 Hey Gina:) Yea, telepathic communications is like a download. Best description. Not like I say hi , you hear hi. I guess sometimes it is but mostly it’s thought forms and other information that words can’t really describe. Like for example. I may get a sentence, with an image, a feeling about it that’s not mine and other elements to the communication that you don’t get with spoken word, smells even. Sometimes it is a word, a sentence, repeating words and sentences where you’ll start to say whatever it is that they are transmitting to you. You may get like day dream type scenario where they are downloading or communicating with you telepathically. Our psychic abilities help unpack the details too. Like we can read the person, channel the person along with other intuitive and psychic abilities that support the telepathic communication. Hard to explain fully. 🤔 

When they buzz me, you can tell in my videos cause the craft will zoom towards my line of sight and I’ll drop the binoculars and duck as it passed over. I’m half expecting to hear shouts and beer cans thrown out the window as they pass by. Lol. The orbs are like that too. They’ll buzz right over too. The craft you can absolutely see with your naked eye. Usually I’ll see them with my eye, then I’ll use the binoculars to record them. With the orbs, you cant always see them with your eye but the infrared always captures them. 

Posted : 19/08/2023 1:59 pm
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